PaperJam X Reader [Vampire Verse]

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Requested: @kasai728

Y/n's POV

I was cleaning the counter of the kitchen while the others were asleep. I let them rest, I really don't get tired so I stay up more. I finished and I sighed, I felt a hand on my shoulder and see Suave (Fresh Sans). I gasped and Suave pulled his hand away.

"Oh, I'm sorry (Y/n)!" He said but I smiled nervously, "Don't worry! It's alright Suave!" We both looked at each other and giggled.

He used to take care of me when I was pretty young, we were good friends since he's older than me. Suave looked concern, "What are you doing this late?" I shrugged, "I wanted to clean," Suave looked at me as he didn't believe me.

We both talked and joked around, we both walked through halls until he went to go to sleep, I was walking by myself until I heard footsteps. "Ms. (Y/n)..?" I turn around to see Jasper (PJ), he was the same age of me. But looked like he was nervous about something.

We made eye contact and he started to turn a bit pink. "Do you know where my father is?" I bowed, "No. I don't." Jasper looked nodded, "Thank you.." He mumbled and I walked up to him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked while Jasper, shook his head, "No, I'm just tired," I didn't believe him until I had an idea.

"I got an idea, if it's okay with you?" I asked him. Jasper thought about it and nodded of agreement, I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Come my lord," I dragged him to a room, I grinned and headed to the balcony. I see Jasper confused and he was looking at me. "What are you doing?" I jumped to the side of the balcony, "You'll see!"

I stood there, I got my balance and soon climbed the vines. I was at the balcony's roof, I poked my head to see Jasper at the balcony.

Jasper just stared at me while I grinned, "Come on!" I said while he smiled and did what I did. I know he's a vampire, I really didn't mind.

I sat down while Jasper came. He sat next to me. "What are we doing here?" He asked while I smiled at him. "Have you ever star gazed?" I asked him while he shook his head. I looked surprised, "Really?" He nodded.

"I never really had time for that," he said. I looked at him with my (E/c) eyes. He had his frown when he said it. Jasper looked at me and smiled "Don't worry, it's really fine," I grabbed his hand with him turning pink.

"How about this," I told him "We can star gaze every night if you like?" I asked him. He smiled more and hold my hand, "That would be nice." He said while we both hugged. I tried to stand up, "I know also a good place!" I told him, "Really?" I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah! Look!" I was about to get my balance when I slipped and fell out the roof, and the balcony. I closed my eyes and screamed. I panted and was freaking out until I felt hands around me and I stopped falling, I opened my eyes and see Jasper with his bat wings.

I started at him while some tears in my eyes, I sniffed while he flew to the balcony and he landed to the ground with me in his arms. I was holding on to him, not wanting to let go. Jasper looked at me, "Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head while warm tears fell.

"No, I thought I died!" I said while I hugged him. Since I am shorter than him, I cried on his chest, I felt him blush and hugged me back.

"(Y/n) don't worry, you'll be fine," He said while he placed his hand on my chin to make me look at him. I started into his eyes, I always felt safe around this boy. It confuses me all time, Jasper gives me this weird feeling, but in the good way.

I see him staring at me back. We both seem to relax with each other, I blinked and I gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed causing him to turn pink, I giggled and told him, "Thank you, Lord Jasper." He held his cheek where I kissed him and grinned.

"No problem, but I don't think a kiss in the cheek isn't good enough," He said with a mischief smirk, I blushed while giggling. "Lord Jasper!" I said between my giggles, he held my chin and pulled us closer.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, our lips(?) were about to touch when Lord Fallacy was behind us.

--- Beep ---

Our lips were about to touch when I tippy toed to kiss him, I blushed more when I felt his hands around my waist. He pulled us closer when he started to suck on my lip. We both pulled away and panted, I blushed deep and covered my cheeks. "Oh dear,"

Jasper chuckled, "What's the matter? Flustered?" I looked away and nodded, he hugged me. "(Y/n). I got to confess something." I looked at him, "You're the most beautiful, smartest, kindest, funniest girl I ever seen. You make me so happy when I see you," He says.

"You with your; shinny (E/c) eyes, your soft silky (H/c) hair. Don't even get me started with your smile! Your smile is the cutest thing I've seen, your laugh is sometimes a turn on. Whenever I hear your laugh, it's music to my ears(?). Whenever you hug me, I feel like I'm melting in to your arms.

"I know you might not feel the same. (Y/n), I want you to know that I love you." I blushed while I smiled softly, I'm like a tomato right now. "Lo-" Jasper interrupted me "Please, call my Jasper." He told me.

"Jasper, I love you too." I said while I see him look at me with widen eyes. "Really?" I nodded. "Why wouldn't I? Your a nice, handsome, smart, kind, really hilarious, and most of all sweet," I told him. "I promise that I'll love you to the end of time," Jasper smiled and pulled me close to kiss my forehead.

"I love you, We both said in the same time, we paused and laughed. We both just stared at the stars until we fell asleep. "I love you (Y/n)," He whispered, I whispered back "I love you too Jasper."

Words: 1085


Hope you enjoy!!!! :D

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