Error X Energetic! Genderless! Reader

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Requested: RadGreenGurl

Ink's POV (Didn't see that coming did you)

I sat on the void, drawing (Y/n). They were something I made, they're really special. (Y/n) has (H/l) (H/c) with a pair of (E/c) eyes. I smiled softly "Oh (Y/n)! How I'm so happy for you to see this!" I needed help to help the AU's. So I decided to draw someone, since if I take someone from their AU they'll be sad.

I hummed softly, until I fully drew (Y/n). "You look so beautiful!" I told them, but they haven't moved which made me worried. I still had a smile on my face and waited a bit.


My smile faded, and had an annoyed face. "What do you-" I saw he just destroyed on (Least Favorite AU) "What the heck?!" I got made at Error, "Why did you do that! You-!" I turned around to see Error just staring at (Y/n), I glared at him. "What are you looking at?" I asked, Error snapped out off his gaze on them.

"Your creation, (Y/n)." Error said simply. I stood there shocked, he didn't call them glitch or anything. "Are you feeling alright?" Error looked at me confused, "Why wouldn't I?" I just got weirded out every time he spoke something. "Who are you, and what did you do to the real Error?" Error looked at me, "What?"

"Error wouldn't always have a combat, or call my drawings a glitch. But I never heard him, be nice to them." He sighed, "I don't know. Your drawing, (Y/n) is just.. so calming.." He responded, "Well, they are my child after all." I smiled and walked over to him. We had a moment of silence.

"They look nothing like you." Error joked, I got annoyed. "Well no really!" I told him, We both started to fight when I tripped on my colors bottles, and the yellow splash all over (Y/n).

Third POV

The paper soon started to glow yellow, and (Y/n) comes ripping off from the paper. Ink and Error soon stop fighting and looked at the alive human. "Greetings!" They smile, big and sweet.

Ink smiles widely, "(Y/n)!" he said while (Y/n) ran up to Ink. They both had a hug, (Y/n) looked at Error with a big starry eyes. "Hi! I like your jacket!" Error looked confused but happy . "Um. Thanks (Y/n)," Error said nervously. They giggled which caused Error to get shocked.

Ink looked at Error. (Y/n) started to sit down wile fighting while Ink would start fighting with Error. "Don't touch the child!" Ink screeched, his mother sense was kicking. Error soon yelled back, "I'm not!" (Y/n) was sitting there innocently until they saw two people walking near them.

(Y/n)'s POV

I soon see a girl with purple hair with pair of yellow eyes. They had a big smile, big shirt with shorts. "Hi!" She said, I look over to see a skeleton with goo all over him. (Guess that Sans!)

He looked grumpy, but didn't say anything my scoff. I smile "Hello!" She smiled. We were gonna shake hands when a tentacles slaps her hand away. She glares at him, "What the hell?" He looked at her "Don't touch" She had a poker face. "Boi! It's a handshake!"

I giggled, "What's your name?" I asked confidently, with a smile. "Names Awaken!" She said, "D'aaaw! Nighmare can we keep them." Nightmare looked at me and looked at Awaken. "Bitch, you're being a weird shit right now!"

"But their so tiny!" She said making me just wait. "(Y/n)!" Ink or Papa said defending me. Awaken gasped, "That's their name!" Nighmare faceplam "Awaken? What are you doing here?" Ink asked. "Nothing, hanging out with Nightmare."

Nighmare had a grouchy face, "She dragged me outside." Saying that pointing at Awaken. I see Error about to leave. I was about to wave goodbye, but something stopped me. I didn't want him to leave. I sneaked away from the little group and went to the portal that Error was leaving with.

I see Error sitting down, he was calm. But lonely, he was sad. I looked at him, how could I make him happy? I soon got an idea, I went up to Error. "Hoi!" Error jumped and saw me, he gasped. "(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" I smiled. "I saw you leaving, and I want to hangout with you!"

Error looked at me, "Hangout with me?" He said, I nodded. He looked weirded out, "Ok, what do you want to do?" We soon played hide and seek and we ran through other AU's. We stopped at DustTale. Dust, one of Error's friends. He was nice, but can be a bit protective since his AU Frisk got the case of the Genocide.

Ink soon found me and took me back, but that didn't stop me from visiting him. I would go every time to see him, sometimes get Awaken to cover for me while I see Error. (I just made this a Romeo and Juliet -_-)

Error told me to meet him on Outertale, I got confused but still went. Outertale was one of our favorite AU's. I went to Outertale, and waited. Error never becomes late, he's usually early. I waited, until I see a flower being thrown away by the wind. I turn around and see Error with flowers. "Oops, sorry." I smiled "Its alright, shorts." He cringed but chuckled. He held the flowers which made me smile.

Even though I'm genderless, I still like things that consider boys and girls. I grabbed the flower, "Thank you." I blushed trying to get the flowers to hide my smile. Error smiled. "Knock knock." I looked at him. "Who's there?"


"Date who?"

"Date me?" He said while sitting next to me, while placing his head on my shoulder. I smiled, "Who's me?" he chuckled. "Error, the great AU destroyer!" I chuckled, "Never heard of him."

He soon put a poker face, "Wow. Go on the internet more often." We laughed and I kissed his cheekbone, "I'll go at tomorrow, at 5pm if he goes." I told him. He smiled, "He'll be there, alright."

"You weirdo," I giggled. "Love you,"


Ink's POV

I scoff, like my kid wont obey me. Stupid Nightmare, like they'll do that. I went to their room, "(Y/n)!" I knocked on their door and see a figure in bed. I smirked, Ha! Nightmare you don't know what your talking about. Soon the figure turned and see Killer Sans in the bed while Awaken on the floor.

I glared at her, "Binch!" She screeched. "CODE RED!!!"

Words: 1028

I rushed a bit, but I'm sorry. Things got me worked out, sorry that I haven't updated, but ill update soon. But I wont promise this time. Hope you enjoy it but I like this oneshot, maybe a part 2? I'll have to see... well! Bye!

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