Reaper! Sans X Goddess! Pregnant! Reader

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I really don't know a lot about Greek gods, so I did my best. ;^;

Reaper was tiredly walking back home with Papyrus being held back to work on more assignments.

Lately, they had a whole lot of paperwork that had been tiring the skeleton brothers.

Reaper sighed as he placed his scythe on against the wall and walked to his shared bedroom.

Reaper and you had recently found out you were pregnant and this was thrilling news for both of you.

You were the Goddess of Love, you brought love and happiness through all humans.

You and Reaper met when you both first witnessed your first task. As Reaper had to take the life of his first client, you were there to help the family mourn.

You had to let them know the love they had for the fallen ones. When Reaper first saw you, you were the most gorgeous goddess he had ever met.

He even thought that he was possessed, but after you and Reaper had encountered more the more you two walked into love.

"Everything you do it sends me higher than the moon with every twinkle in your eyes~"

Reaper saw you were holding a picture of you and him, together also holding another of the ultrasound on your three months.

You're at your nine months and any day you can start your motherhood.

"You strike a match that lights my heart on fIRE!"

You noticed that Reaper was in the room and heard you sing. You were embarrassed as you realized he was here the whole time.

"Jeez, Sans. Knock before you enter!" You said as you hugged yourself and pouted.

Sans chuckled, "Nah," He slowly reaches over to kiss you in the lips where you accepted it. You stuck your tongue out, "You're mean."

"Mean? Me!" The skeleton gasped dramatically as you giggled softly. "Yes you,"

"And you've singed so beautiful, my dove." You blushed massively as you looked away. "T-Thank you!—"

You right away felt uncomfortable the way Reaper looked at you. He leaned closer as he kissed your neck softly as you were panting.

You gripped on your husband's clothes as he kissed and licked your neck slower, leaving you hickeys.

"S-Sans! I'm wet!—"

"Shh, baby. I'll make you even more wetter than you are now~" Reaper said as he softly rubbed his finger on your cheek.

"S-Sans, I mean that my water broke.."

As you screamed in pain, from the contractions you were getting. You felt that you were out of air but you didn't give up.

This was your third time, trying to get the baby out but it was having some difficulties. It had been sixteen hours.

You were exhausted as you look over to see your husband trying his best to help you. But you were honestly incredible annoyed by the gestures.

On the first time, he was brushing your hair down, and whispering nothing but sweet things. But you weren't having none of that.

"Sans, I swear if you continue doing that I'll rip of your hand!" You growled.

On the second time, he had gripped on your hand and was trying to breath at the same time as you. Which you felt more desperate to pull of your hair.

"Sans, you're not helping!" You yelled.

At the third time, he was put his head on your neck and kissed it softly and began continuing to leave hickeys. As you were going to yell, your daughter decided to finally show her head.

As you grabbed your beautiful daughter in your arms and cried in happiness. You forgotten about what Sans did. Your husband had the biggest smile on his face, as he saw his daughter.

But his daughter return it with a frown and narrowed eyebrows.

You giggled as your husband reacted dramatically. "She's a daddy's girl! Not a momma's girl!"


"Momma." You turned to see your beautiful skeleton daughter. She was the goddess of ghost and spirits, and used this to guide the spirits to Reaper or Toriel.

She can easily talk to the spirits and was able to have conversations with them. She basically befriended all the spirits in Hell and Heaven.

"Yes, my love?"

"I found this picture in a album, in my room. I wanted to know why do you have dark spots in the picture but you don't have dark spots now.."

You were confused about the question, as you stared at your daughter.

"What do you mean?" Your daughter showed you the album. It was the first day your beloved daughter was brought to the world.

You would never forget that day as you remember the first time your baby opened her eyes.

You began staring at your neck, on the photo, to see what she was talking about.

But as soon as you realized what the marks are, you blushed massively as you remembered what had happened fifteen years ago, before your daughter was born.

Your daughter saw your expression and grew worried. "E-Eh? Are you okay, momma?"

You blinked rapidly as you gave her a closed eye smile but with your eyebrows narrowed which caused your daughter to look at you more. "Y-Yes, my dear!"

This was the cue for your beloved husband to show up. "What's up, gang?" He asked as his daughter shook his head.

"Daddy, please don't do that. You're hella old." Your daughter said as she gave a bored expression, which caused Sans to cry in the inside dramatically.

"Anyways, I was showing Momma the picture of the day I was born. And I found bruises or dark spots on her neck. I wanted to know what it was."

Reaper looked at his daughter in curiosity and confusion. "Huh? Lemme see."

"Sure. Momma won't tell me what is on her mind."

Your daughter showed him the picture as Reaper scanned your neck and noticed what it was. Reaper blushed as he looked away. "I don't see anything.."

You narrowed your eyes brows. "Huh?! You wanna play that game, Sans!" You said as Sans flinched.

"B-Babe! Please, I already apologized!"

The goddess of spirits was confused. 'Did Daddy abuse Momma?' was the first thing that went into her mind as she finally got an answer.

"Your father, decided he wanted to make his move when my waterbroke. And when I tried to explain that your father decided to do—"

"What the hell, Daddy! You were hitting on my momma when she was in labor!" Your daughter interrupted with a disgusted face on.

"I said I was sorry! I didn't know!"
Words: 1,102

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