Halloween Special: UnderFell! Sans X Reader

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(Y/n)'s POV

"SANS!" Papyrus yelled while making me fall on the floor, Sans stood up and saw me on the floor. "What the fuck!?" I yelled which caused Sans to laugh. I stood up, and we both headed to Papyrus, Sans had his smile, "Yeah, Boss?" Papyrus turned around with a glare.

"There's a invitation from those other of us!" He passed the note to Sans and he read. I took a little peek, but he soon handed me the paper.

"Greetings, Underfell!

It is, I, The Great Papyrus and my brother, Sans. We've decided to host a Halloween party. And we were hoping if you, three, are able to go! It's starts at 6 pm, it ends around 10!

Hope you see you there,

The Great Papyrus and Sans!"

I smiled wide, wide. "We should go!" Sans looked at me me with a bored face, Papyrus looked agreed, "I could use a distraction." I smiled. "Are you coming Sans?" He shook his head.

"Nah. They're pretty much boring." Sans said, I pouted, "That's mean!" I told him. Sans chuckles, "Sweetheart, I'm from Underfell." Papyrus just walked, "We'll leave at 5:50!" I nodded. "Okay!"

I check my watch, 3:42. I have time, I soon grabbed my bag, "Where are you going?" Sans asked. "Going to the store!" I said, with a cheerful smile.

Sans rolled his pupils, "Whatever." I giggled and soon headed to the store. I went to Party City (I don't know) and saw the costume section. I gasped, there was really girly ones but I ignored it.

I soon decided, I giggled and left the store without buying anything. A cashier looked creeped out but didn't care, I went home. I opened the door slowly, to see no one. I get in and slowly closed, I was gonna walk until I heard Sans.

"Didn't buy anything?" I squeaked, I turned around. I see him laying on the sofa, with his eye socket closed. "No." I told him. He opened one of his sockets "Why?" I see his red pupil.

"I didn't like any of them, to classic." I said, Sans chuckled. "Like Classic Sans?" I rolled my eyes playfully, "Nah, just the customs are classic like witches or have revealing clothes." Sans grins, "But I want to see you in shorts~" Bs whined while I chuckled. "You weirdo."

We both laugh, "So? No costume?" I shook my head. "No! Because I'm make it myself!" Sans scoffs, "Good luck. I don't think there anything here." I giggled. "Who cares!"


Fell! Sans' POV

I waited outside, I was just wearing a mask, with a suit. I waited while Papyrus was a vampire. I got annoyed waiting, "(Y/n)-!" I was about to shout when I saw her.

She was wearing a silk white dress, with angel wings. I blushed. "Oh shoot." I whispered. Papyrus smiles, "That's good human, where did you get the wings?"

(Y/n) smiled innocently, "Just somethings, I have to put back." I chuckled. "You look adorable, cutie." She blushes, "Thanks, it was kinda better what I was gonna say." I smiled, and we all headed to the portal. "I thought you were staying," I shrugged.

"I wanted to come along." I said causing her to make a smile. "Okay, Sansy!" She smiled which caused me to blush.

(Y/n) looks and sees other AU versions of me, I frowned and I see UnderSwap, or Blueberry smile at us. "Hi guys!" He said. "Hi Blue!" (Y/n) said with a smile, Papyrus waves and I shoved my hands on my pockets.

Geno comes from behind, "Hey Underfell, glad you guys could make it." Papyrus soon speaks, "Yeah! You're just lucky our schedule isn't busy." (Y/n) giggles, and we soon talked.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Awaken! I'm not going!" I hear a booming voice, we all jumped and see Awaken pulling a gooey hand. Awaken huffed, "Come on Night! Show your emotions!" Nightmare grunts, "Ew. No, you other-dream!" Awaken pouts and sees me.

Her smiled wides, "(Y/n)!" She ran up to me and hugged, "Hey!" We laugh, "I need your help, Nighty is being a big dumb baby."

"I'm not a baby!!" Nightmare shouted. I rolled my eyes playfully and walked to see Nightmare in the corner blushing of embarrassment. He looked scared, Nightmare is like a brother to me. Even if he acts like a jerk, he can still be nice.

Nightmare sees me, "(Y/n), tell that peasant to leave me!" Awaken snorts, I rolled smile, "Come on~" I whined, he shook his head. "No!"

Awaken sat down, "Come on, it's just for a while." Nightmare was soon holding on to my arm, "I don't want to. So many people." I petted him. "Come on!" Nightmare looked unsure until Dream came. "Something wrong?! I feel negative energy!"

Dream saw his brother, he hugged him. Even though he was being pushed, he soon calmed down and gave in. We all came in. Fell, well my Sans looked jealous. "Fell? You're alright?" He looked at me. His glare of jealously turned to soft look. "Yeah, I'm fine Sweetheart." I blushed and smiled.

Awaken had a lenny face, "Ohhh~" I blushed hard. "Shut up!" We all partying and I was in the window to Outertale. I breathed in and out, I saw stars and light, it was peaceful.

"(Y/n)?" A voice said, I turn around to see Fell. "Yeah?" I looked at him, he had a bag with candy and a lantern. "You feeling alright? You look tired." I smiled, "A bit." He walked and leaned against me.

"You can go to sleep if you want." He said, I placed my head on his shoulder. He blushed, "Sorry. Your shoulder feels nice." He smiles and wraps his hands around my waist.

"It's alright." He kisses my forehead and I blush. I spring up from his shoulder and cover my face, he chuckles. "Aww. My Princess is blushing?~" I blush hard "S-Shut up!" We laugh, until I kiss his teeth. "I love you, Mask boy." He blushes and pulls me close. "I love you too, my Angel~"

We pull together and doze off.


Awaken's POV

"Fell! Your brother is drunk!" I shouted and I look to see Outertale open. I looked confused, to see Fell Sans with (Y/n) cuddling together. I awed and soon grabbed my phone and took a picture. "What are you doing?" Nightmare asked while I almost dropped my phone.

"What the fudge!" I whispered to him. He sees this and had a disgust face, "No. I'm not dealing this shipping shit." He pulls me away from them. "No! The ship already sailed! They need to keep sailing!" I whined.

Words: 1127

This is so long, but I don't care. Hope you enjoy this late one!!!

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