UnderFell! Gaster! Sans X Tsundere! Reader

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Requested: @DaringRebel

Y/n's POV

I sighed. Love hurts a lot, but falling for a boy that is so good, and so cute can be hard. I sat on my bed, closing my eyes, I wish one day I could be with Spike - his nickname - not like friends. I snapped out my thoughts. "What the fuck am I thinking?"

I smacked myself while groaning. I can't fall for an idiot! I don't like him! I growled hard, and stood up and grabbed a piece of paper. I grabbed a pen, and started to write:

"I'm not in love

I'm not in love

I'm not in love

I'm not in—"

You get the idea? I soon write it about a 25 times and I stop. I grew hungry. I stood up to the living room and see Spike, he had his ribs reveal and his grin watching TV. I blushed and still walked to the kitchen, I opened the closet food door, or the storage. I grabbed (Favorite Soup) and heat it on the microwave. I tried not to look at him, but he was facing away from me so he couldn't see me.

But I snapped out off my thoughts when the soup was ready. I smiled and opened the microwave door and grabbed my soup. I was getting my soup until I slipped on a sock and I spilled soup all over me. "Shit!!"

I hissed in pain, the soup was so hot, Spike stood up and saw me. He quickly ran to get something while I was taking off my shirt. I breathe in and out, while he came back handing me another (least favorite color) shirt. I growled but still took it.

I put it over me and pant. The soup was fricking burning me, I calmed down. "What happen doll face?" Spike said. I look to see him worried, I looked at him while blushing. "W-Well! I made myself soup but I got slipped by your sock! Baka!" I whispered the last part.

"Sorry Doll, your fault for not picking it up." I cringed and looked at him. "Are you go real!?" I said. I stood up and sat on his sofa. He followed me, "I'm kidding!" I was so mad. "You're am idiot." I mumbled and he goes on top of me and cuddles.

I blushed madly, "Hell no!" I tried to push him away but I couldn't. He was too heavy for a pile of bones. He chuckled and doesn't move. I sighed, I guess it's fine. My hand goes messaging his skull until I felt something very uncomfortable on my butt.

I growled and stood up. "Hell! No!" Spike chuckles and I walked away. "Fuck this shit I'm out!" I said leaving while was so close to opened the door until Spike grabs my hands and pulls me to him.

"(Y/n).." Spike said, but wasn't flirty or anything. I hummed in responds, "I..." I blushed, was this going to happen like those fanfics? I look at him, "I-I.. I!" He said stuttering.

"I ate your soup!"

I gave him a poker, "..my soup..?" I said, he chuckles. "Bye." I went to our room and grabbed my lab top, I soon went to (Favorite You-Tuber) and watched their videos. I giggled, this is hilarious. "(Y/n).." Spike said, I looked at him and puffed my cheeks, "What know? You drank my soda?"

Spike looked confused, "Pshh. No." He places something behind, "But, I need to say... you have a cute giggle." I gasped, "Huh? What are you trying to do!?" I said.

He laughed, "Trying to make you fall for me~" I blushed madly, "BAKA!" I grab a pillow and hit Spike with that. Right on the face, "Really? Baka!" I nodded and puffed my cheek.

"Come on, you like me~" I laughed. "Ha! Nope!" He chuckled and left. I was happy that I was talking with him. I soon heard sobs?

I looked confused, who's crying? I stood up, making my laptop fall. I sighed and picked it up, I soon went around the house and hear nothing. I was confused, I Past the living room, I see Spike. I walked past him, but I heard the sob louder. My eyes widen, Spike?

He had red tears, I see him holding his phone listening to,
'Just the way you are' from Bruno Mars. Who was he in love with? "Spike?" He looks up to be "(Y/n)? What are you doing?"

"Are you ok?" He looked away, not wanting to look at me. I sighed and sat next to him and hugged him. "You little fluff." I was cuddling with him, but he still hasn't moved. "Spike? Who's the person?" He looked up, "...you.." he mumbled.

"Who?" I asked. I didn't hear him.

"It's you." Spike whispers, making me blush. But the way he said it, not flirt, or anything. He said it with a sweet tone, "Spike.." I began. "I know, I know, you wouldn't fall for me. Probably a different Sans, because I'm not perfect. But you're important to me and I'll always fight for you."

I blushed and kissed the top of his skull. "I love you too Shorty." I said, he looked up but smirked. "Look who's talking." I cringed and pushed him away. "Nevermind, get out." We looked at each other and laugh. "I love you." He said while I said. "I love you too Baka!" And we shared are loving kiss, while holding each other close.

"I love you so fucking much!" I blush.

Words: 933


Hope you enjoy but damn now I know why so many like G! He's hawt—


I'm sorry I took long for the oneshots I'll come back soon. And I decided to do audio oneshots on SoundCloud. But I haven't decided on it yet or can't work on it XD. If you know how please DM me, while see yeah!

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