Jammy Hood! PJ X Sister of Fresh! Protective! Reader

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"[Y/n], I want you to meet PJ," I turn to see my brother's friend. Clearly taller than me but looked weird. I pressed my lips together, I've always hated my brother's friends. They were all weird, horny, or honestly annoying.

"Hi, nice to meet you," He says as he sticks his hand out and smiles. I still look at his hand but look away rejecting his request. "I guess," I said in response.

PJ obviously was confused, but Fresh frowned. "How about we go on a hunt?" Fresh offered the idea of trying to lighten up the mood.

I agreed to the hunt as Fresh's friend also agrees as well. We head to the woods as we find some fish. We collected plenty of amounts of fish as we take it home back to the cave.

I began eating it at the raw fish as I see Fresh and his friend not eating. I looked up from my food. "What are you waiting for? Dig in."

Fresh shakes his head. "PJ wants us to try cooked fish." I looked confused. "What?" I said furiously.

"It's delicious, [Y/N]! Instead of eating raw fish, you and Fresh can eat cooked fish! Plus this can—"

"Shut up! You're just some stupid skeleton that is later gonna backstab us! You're even trying to get us to use human tools to entertain you!" I yelled, glaring harshly.

"You just think that this is a big stupid game! Fresh, can you not see his just trying to use us for money?!" I saw Fresh stand up.

"He's not a stupid skeleton! He's your friend."

"No. He's our enemy. I just let him still stay is because you're just too stupid to realize that he's using us. I knew this is how you would react!"

"He's not an enemy!" I scoffed, "Whatever." 


As you left the cave and went walking around the woods, Fresh sighed. "I'm so sorry you had to see that, PJ." He said embarrassingly. He was only trying to help you open your mind a bit, but nothing seemed to be working. 

PJ was worried that his presence was something that you didn't want to see. Fresh had been told him that he wanted to meet more of Fresh's friends and family. 

After Fresh's incident with his heat, he was more respectful and wanted to get to know his friend.

"My sister can be well, uncool sometimes." He said as PJ shook his head. "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have pushed her into new things."

The colorful wolf chuckled, "You're too nice, dude." PJ scoffs while rolling his eyes playfully. "I'll go apologies to her," PJ said as Fresh gave him a thumbs up. 

PJ looked around to see if he can locate the female wolf but found nothing. He was worried that something could've happened to you but didn't want to escalate things. PJ then started to hear someone whistle around his directions.

His eye sockets widen, "Did hunting season start already?"

"Hey pretty wolf!~" PJ heard as he began running towards the directions of the voice. A loud scream was heard and he automatically recognized it as [Y/N]'s voice. The scream almost didn't seem like a wolf.

PaperJam saw that you had your left leg on a bear trap and bullet wound on the same leg. The human laughed at you as he grabbed a muffle. "You'll be probably around $350 or $400. We'll have to see when we skin you." He smirks.

PJ stepped in, "Stop right there!" The strange hunter looks at him and growls. "What do you want?" You look to see who it is and it was your brother's friend. "P-PJ.." you mumbled as you narrowed your eyebrows. 

'So he is a traitor!' Your thoughts were interrupted as PJ step in front of you. "That wolf is my property. She is my wolf." Your eyes widen. 

"Oh really, huh?" The stranger says, "Where's your pet's collar?" PJ showed the collar to the stranger and it was her name. 'What does he have in his sleeves?!'


The stranger went off with his day, obviously a bit pissed about his prize. He tried to buy the female wolf out of PJ, but nothing worked. You were out of the bear trap and your wound was treated but you couldn't walk.

"Why did you help me?" You asked as you turn to see him. He gave me a soft smile that can melt someone's, cold heart. "You are my friend, why wouldn't I?" PJ asked. 

You narrowed your eyebrows as PJ sighed awkwardly. "I didn't want to spoil the surprise, but Fresh told me that you are being targeted a lot for breeding and for your fur. And Fresh asked me if I can give you collar so people know that you cannot be hunted." 

Your gaze softens. "You can wear the collar anytime, and if there is any trouble you can click this button on the collar and it can show your--!" You gave him a hug as he was shocked. He returned the hug slowly not trying to hurt your leg. You pulled away from the hug and smile.

"Thank you. I apologize for being rude. I'm really just overprotective of Fresh because of things that happened to my previous family. Please accept my apology." PJ smiled. "Of course! And I'm sorry if I seem untrustworthy in the beginning. I'm just really excited to be friends with you and Fresh."

PJ scoped down and carried you as you hesitated. You guys began having small conversations as Fresh was happy about how your relationship with PJ blossomed. "I better not be an uncle sooner or later! It's too early!" Fresh yelled with joy as you threw him a raw fish. 

"Shut up, baka!"


Words: 958

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