SwapSans X Swap Frisk

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My very first request!! The request is from Blaccwolfe so hope you enjoy! Sorry it's my first time writing this so it's gonna be cheesy...


After Chara broke the barrier, all humans and monsters lived in peace again. Even if they fight they still forgive each other. Ever monster is happy. Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Temmie, Sans, Papyrus, every monster you can think of. Even Frisk the one who started all the problems in the past. The one who made people suffer. But Chara thinks they can change. And who know? Maybe they can be changed by one person!

Frisk's POV

It's been almost a year since the barrier was broken. Everyone seems to like it here, but I really don't like it here it's really weird. When will Chara reset? Hope they do it soon cause I want to return to fighting and turning people to dust. I sit in the lime green couch flipping through channels next to Chara. They seem to be talking to a small skeleton. He was wearing a grey "battle suit", that is composed of a gray piece with padded sleeves, a blue bandana wrapped around his neck and blue gloves covering his hands and dark blue shorts, in addition to wearing light blue boots. His brother Papyrus in the other hand he knows about me not like his brother. He kept on glaring at me but I ignored him and looked back at the channel.

I was really bored until Papyrus and Chara walked away from the room. Which left me with Blueberry. I can sense something staring at me, it's really disturbing to be honest. I never felt this. The sense keeps getting stronger and stronger, I feel sweat coming down my forehead. I look over and see Sans.

"What do you want?" I asked him with annoyingly tone.

"What do you mean human?" He asked With confusion. Like he didn't know what I was talking about, which he should know.

"Your staring at me, it's making me feel uncomfortable." I responded "If you want to tell me something then go ask me, what's in your mind?". He looked shocked, like if I told his secret. He breaths in and out and looks at me again.

"HUMAN!! I would like to be friends with you!" He said with confidence. Which I thought it was adorable. He wants to be friends with me? Ha! Like he would want that to happen! He had a wide smile with star eyes on. I started to laugh, he looked at me with confusion and started to frown and asked me. "Are you okay?" I soon said.

"Why in the world would you want to be friends with me?"

"Why? We can't be friends?" He said.

"Look, I don't know why you want to be friends with me. I ain't special! I mean you like this place!! I hate it! It's the worst I just want Chara to reset" I said and he looked shocked. He didn't know what to say he kept trying to find the words he wanted to say but nothing came out.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but please!! Can we be friends?" He begged and begged. "Why do you want to be friends with me?" I asked him "I just think, maybe if you have someone to talk to the pain can go away. I mean you said you don't like this place. Well if you became friends with people you would feel like this. I just don't like seeing people suffer that's all." He said. I was shocked of what he said. Nobody ever cared about me well except Chara. I felt tears coming down my cheeks and I started to shake. What's this feeling? Why am I feeling this? He looked and saw I was shaking and I felt a pair of arms around me with made me fell comfortable and started to hug back right away. 

"Shh.. it's fine Frisk.. calm down" I just could take it I hugged him for a while. I soon stopped and pulled away. I put a smile at him and say.

"L-Let's be friends?"


"Yeah really.."

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

'Is this how Love feels like?'

Like I said sorry if it was cheesy. Hoped you enjoy! Request are open! Should I make a part 2? Who knows? Have a lovely day or night! Bye~!!


Words: 743

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