Librarian! Goth X Mute! Experiment! Short! Reader [N&J]

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Holy shi-! That's a long title XD

Requested: rosalienights13

Y/n's POV

I walked out of class, and went to the library were Goth was there. He's been my best friend since day one. Plus he was my first friend, Goth saw me and smiled at me, "Hello, Y/n" He said and I waved "Hey" I signed, walked over to him "So how are you, Shorty?" I cringed after he said that nickname "Hey! I'm not 'that' short!" Goth chuckled. "So, anything you want to check out?" I nodded.

"How souls are function. Do you have a book of that?" Goth nodded "I should, I'll be right back." I smiled at him and I saw a purple blush go across his cheek, I giggled by his reaction. I soon sit down to and see BurgerPants come with Undyne, and Skater Girl. I glared at them and looked annoyed "What do you want?" I signed at them coldly, and BP looks at me with his mischiefs smirk "Oh you know," He said while extending the letter W I looked at him with disgust "Just seeing my girl~" If he's talking about me I'm gonna puke.

"Wellll, I guess she's not here" I signed and looked away, BP had his smirk washed away and it appeared again "Actually, She's right here~" Staring at me, I looked so weirded out "Oh! I get it!" BP smirked at me wider "Your 'girlfriend'! Skater Girl!" BP wiped that smirk out of his face and blushed of embarrassment and Skater Girl looked at me if I was on drugs. Undyne laughed like crazy but stopped when BP glared at her. "No! Ugh! This is useless!" I smirked "Lets go guys!" The three left like those girls in Mean Girls that walked away sassy way.

I soon see, Goth coming here looking like he was chuckling. "That was pretty funny" He said and I nodded "Yep!" He hands me the books and I grabbed them and smiled. "Thank you" I signed and he smiled back. "Your interested on souls?" I nodded "I just want to know how they work," I smiled slowly "I never knew how it worked. It was a huge mystery for me" Goth looked at me "Really? Well, I'm glad your interested on the souls." I nodded "Wanna hangout later?" Goth blushed a purple "L-Like..?" I looked at him confused "Like Bestfriends?" Not really, I'm mostly thinking like a date. And I might have a tiny crush on him, not really its a huge one!

Goth blushed and shook his head "Y-Yeah! We can! Hehe.." I smiled "See you here at Lunch?" He nodded and I smiled. I was thinking so much that I signed something that I regret signing to him "Your cute" Goth blushed to a dark purple and I blushed. "B-Bye!" I signed quickly and left the library. WHY!?!

Goth's POV:

After she left, I was still blushing. I groaned and went to my desk and laid my head on the desk. I heard footsteps and I didn't look up but it was Nightmare and my bestfriend Palette. "What's wrong, Buddy?" Said Palette but I didn't look back cause I was still blushing "Nothing I'm fiiine" Nightmare raised an invisible eyebrow "You sure? Cause I saw Y/n leaving with a blush and it looks like you were blushing too" I blushed deep purple "I-I don-n't know what-t your talk-king about!" I said hearing Palette chuckle.

"You like Y/n?~" I blushed harder and it wasn't a good sign. I stayed quiet and sighed of defeat "Yeah, I do like-" "HA! I KNEW IT!" Nightmare shouted and I blushed and shushed him. "S-Shut up!" Palette smirks "Cause you like her~" I shook my head "N-No! Cause there's people here trying to study." Nightmare nodded "Palette don't shout please." Palette glared at him "But it was you!" Nightmare looked at him with a serious face "Shush! I don't know what your talking about."

My bestfriend looked annoyed and sighed. "Wait, what are you doing here?" Palette soon smiled "Well! I needed help on Social Studies and Mr. Nightmare is here to help me." Nightmare nodded and I put my head up exposing my blush "Woah Buddy! Your a grape!" I looked confused "What?" Nightmare chuckled "Your blushing too hard" I sighed "Its not my fault." Palette soon smirked "Imma make you guys kiss" I blushed hard "What? Why??" Palette smirked wide "You like her right?"

"Yea-" I got interrupted by Palette "I got a plan" He says making me send shiver down my spine. "Whatever your thinking, I'm not gonna participating" I said crossing my arms "Come on Goth, this I could be your chance." Nightmare said with a smile "No. I don't want to ruin my friendship with her." I told them and they both sighed. "I'm still gonna do it, though" I shook my head and they both headed to a table and I stood up and putted books on the shelves.

~Time Skip~

Y/n's POV

I smiled and walked inside the library and I didn't see Goth. So I sat down with my lunch until I grabbed my notebook and started to doodle, and waited for Goth. He's such an amazing guy, I just hope maybe I can step up the next step. I really, really, really like him! While I was thinking about this I realized I drew Goth and started to blush deeply and I giggled. Oh my gosh, why do I do this to myself?! I soon see a shadow on the paper and I turn around and see Goth? "Heya Y/n!" He said with a wide smile. "You okay?"  He looked confused "Yeah I am buddy! Why?" He has green eyes that are stars. His left cheek had a green stars "Are you sure your alright?" I signed to him and he nodded "Of course!" I looked weirded out especially when he has two pupils.

He soon saw my drawing and smiles, "Cool drawing," I blushed "I..." He chuckled "Goth would of liked the picture!" I looked at him "Wait?! Your not Goth!" I see 'Goth' smile nervously "What??? I am Goth!" I soon see another Goth come out and I looked at him I got more confused "What's going on!?" Goth 2 looks at Goth 1 "Palette!? What are you doing here!?" Goth 1 or Palette got nervous "What! I'm not Palette! I'm Goth!" Goth shook his head and chuckled while taking Palette's hoodie of "Pshh, I was doing my plan!" I tilted my head "Plan for what?" Goth blushed and mouthed 'No' but Palette mouthed 'Yes'.

"Well you see Y/n, I.... I-I..-" soon Palette cut him off "He likes you!" Goth and I blushed "Palette!" Nightmare popped out of nowhere "Goth was suppose to say it!" Palette sighed "Right! Sorry Mr. Nightmare!" Goth looked at him with confusion "Well, um Goth.. I was going to tell you the same thing," Goth blushed "I love you, Gothy" I signed to him and Goth leans slowly down to my height and kisses my lips softly while I kissed back and soon he soon stands up while I wrap his hands around his neck and and we pulled away. While Nightmare and Palette recording, I blushed and hear Goth say "I love you too, Shorty" I smile.

Words: 1238

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