UnderFell! Papyrus X Annoying! Cute! Reader

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Requested: @Kisses_205

Y/n's POV

I smirked and saw Papyrus, I really liked the sugar skeleton and I knew he liked me. Pretty obvious for a tsusnder skeleton, I was hiding in a tree. Not! Stalking him (Yes you are -v- ) while he was making new puzzles. He was so consecrated on the puzzle he was making. My smirk widen as I sneaked up to him.

I soon scared him while he shouted when I scared him. I started to laugh while he growled while he saw me. "Y/N!!" He shouted and I felt myself off the ground. I got nervous but I was still laughing and I was face to face with him. I smiled at him while his emotionless pupils. "STOP DOING THAT!" He shouted.

Papyrus look annoyed "Sup?--" I said and he threatened me "DON'T SUP ME!" He said while dropping me on the snow that cause snow on me and some on my hair.

I see his face light up a bit which caused me to smile. Papyrus growled "What do you fucking want, human!?" He said "I'm bored!" I said and he follows his pupils. He soon started to walk away. Wait. What!?

I stood up "Hey! Don't leave me!" I shouted at him and he looked at me "No? I just did!" He stated while I puffed my cheeks and started to follow him. "What the fuck are you following me!?" He asked while I was behind him.

"Following you." I said but he shook his head. "Yeah I know that! But why!?" He said but I said "Like I said! I'm bored!" I smiled and he didn't look happy and he ignored me.

"Hey!" I said to him "What?!" He said to me while his red scarf was behind him. "I want attention!" I said but he glared at me "No." Papyrus said, clearly annoyed. I poured and grabbed his arm "Fine." I said with defeat on my fine.

He pulled his hand away "What are you doing!?" He asked rudely "Holding your hand!" I said. We soon started to argue while I won the battle and started to hold his hand.

Mostly the whole day, I just saw him making puzzles if not I helped him test the puzzles. Which was I guess fun. As I got tired, he walked me home. He really looked annoyed by me, I wanna gonna say something but something hit me.

I stopped walking and stood still, Papyrus stopped and looked at me. "What?" He said and I felt my nose get ticklish and I suddenly sneezed so quietly and cutely.

(So tired--)

Papyrus blushed since no ones around us he smiled. Like a really fucking smile! "That was so adorable, Y/n!" He comment me and I blushed of embarrassment "No it isn't!" I blurted out. He shook his head "I'm serious, Human!" I smirked.

"Hi Serious! I'm Y/n!" Papyrus' smile faded to a big fat frown. "So much for my good mood." He grumpy said while I chuckled.

"You know I was kidding!" I said while he growled and looked away "Paps?" I asked but he didn't look back. Since he was really tall I stand on a rock and cupped his face.

He still doesn't look at me, I frowned and I soon had a idea on my head. I smirked and I pushed my lips with his teeth. He jumped but kissed back. I felt one hand on my waist and one hand on my head playing with my hair.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, I was soon was lifted by him. I smiled durning the kiss and we pulled away. "I knew it!~" I said while he blushed "Shut up!"

I chuckled while hugged him "You know you're adorable, right?" I blushed.

Third POV

Little (Did you know!) did the couple know that Sans records the whole thing.


Words: 654


Hope you enjoy this! Keep on the request!

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