SwapFell! Sans X Shy! Reader [N&J]

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Requested: sanata101

Y/n's POV

I walked, while thinking about the test there's gonna happen. I heard Mr. Nightmare was gonna give everyone a social studies quiz. People were saying it was gonna be hard, but I don't know.

It really depends on the subject he's gonna pick. I soon get snapped out of my thoughts when I was at my locker. I soon opened up my locker and put my books and get my other books that I'm gonna need for the next subject.

But while I was putting my stuff on my locker, I felt eyes hit on my back. It was really uncomfortable I didn't like that one bit. I'm a very shy person I really hated attention. I started to get nervous and soon picked up my paste and once I closed my locker and right away I see Swapfell. Or known as my crush I blushed a bit.

I really liked him but he never seems to notice me a lot really. I squeaked as he stared at me. "Hey Cutie~" He purred but of course I wouldn't fall for that. All the girls: or well some would fall for his charm, "Um...hello..." I whispered and he pulled me close wrapping his hands around my waist.

I blushed "Which class, gorgeous?~" Why did he ask for my class? That's really odd. "Um..., Social Sudies." I said and he nodded and lead the way. While we were walking some guys would wolf whistle at me, I hated it.

I hate everything about it, I start to shake, Swapfell seems to notice that and he growls "Hey fuckers! Back off!" The guys chuckled but SwapFell wasn't kidding, he was really mad which the guys seems to get awkward and left us alone. Being with him makes me, safe.

SwapFell and I got to class, and I sat down next to Blueberry. I see and smile lightly while he smirked and winked at me. I blushed and looked away. Blueberry looked weirded out "What's up with him?" I sighed and told him what happen, and Blueberry grinned "I think he liked you," I blushed "W-What?" Blueberry's grin soon faded. "But remember be careful."

Before I could answer his comment, Mr. Dream came in. He soon started class. Almost at the end of the day, everyone left. Since I'm really shy I mostly like to be the last one. I opened my locker and heard footsteps.

Probably a teacher, they would probably tell me to hurry up and leave. I closed my locker and soon as I turned around I got pinned to the lockers.

I closed my eyes but I heard a voice "Hey Cutie~" I blushed SwapFell? I opened my eyes and see his eye sockets, I blushed. His eyes(?) were filled with love. He soon placed his skull on my crooked neck, I felt his hot breath against my neck.

I was nervous as hell, SwapFell soon started to kiss my neck softly. I gasped and my whole face turns to a tomato. "Hiya. Y/n wanna know something?" He didn't sound flirty, or anything. Mostly serious, "W-W-What's on you-ur mind-d..." I said trying not to make any sound.

"I've always wanted your attention," the flirter said "I always wanted you to know me," I shivered "W-Why...?" I asked "How could I not want your attention? Your beautiful, smart, adorable, plus your blush," he added "It's so fricken adorable I feel like I'm melting,"

He soon started to lick my neck, which that made me turn on (Don't worry, not a lemon). I started to moan quietly while SwapFell was licking my neck. But as he heard my moans, he blushed and stopped.

Third POV

SwapFell looked into Y/n's eyes. Their eyes were filled with Love and ...Lust. SwapFell flinched and felt guilt hit him. "Oh my god! I'm so fu--" His crush looked at him confused "W-What are you ta-alking...!" Y/n stopped and felt wet. That made her blush of embarrassment. "Oh lord-d..." SwapFell blushed "I'm sorry again! Please don't-"

SwapFell felt so ashamed, he just opened up to his crush and now he got her...wet? SwapFell soon got scared. Thinking Y/n was gonna hate him for the rest of their lives. "SwapFell-l...?" He looked at her "I love you too..." SwapFell blushed "Really?" SwapFell asked while she nodded.

This made him smile.

Bonus ~Read if you want to~

~1 year later~

You and SwapFell sat on the sofa while watching F/s, but this wasn't just a normal day. Today was your anniversary, you have been thinking for a while, and you think your ready. You wanted to make this special for him.

SwapFell has been sweet and kind, he really never forced you to do anything. SwapFell didn't even do anything dirty, yep you heard me. No dirty comments, not looking at you while changing, not even flirting with girls.

Everyone we're surprised about this, even the teachers they got way more confused. You soon turned off the TV and SwapFell looked at you "What's wrong?" You frabbed something from a box.

"W-What are you doing?" Y/n smiled nervously but blushing, "Its our anniversary," SwapFell nodded "And... I-I wanted to m-make it s-special, for u-us.." SwapFell looked at you with concern "A-Are you sure.?" You nodded "Y-Yeah I have bee-en thinking-g, I'm r-ready," SwapFell nodded "Go easy on me, please," he nodded "I will,"

SwapFell turned on the TV, "Don't think I'll go too easy," you smirked "O-Okay!" And you played Super Mario Smash Bros.

Words: 951

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