UnderFell! Papyrus X Reader

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Requested: @galaxystarXD

Y/n's POV

I sat on the cold bench, with my f/c shorts with my big fluffy jacket. I smiled and sat while keeping myself warm, Sans told me to stay here while Papyrus leaves. I was playing with newspaper I saw and I was slowly reading it, I hear footsteps. "Sans! Where are you!?" Someone shouted, I looked to see Papyrus. I gasped and quickly looked away.

Papyrus seems to notice me, (Notice me senpai!~) and I started to panic until the newspaper was pulled up and away from my palms. I squeaked and see Papyrus, he seems to get weirded out. "Are you a human?" I was confused to say anything until I saw Sans behind him nodding a yes  to tell him. I gulped and slowly nodded, Papyrus gasps and quickly picks me up.

"Sans!!" Sans comes from behind and has his grin, "Yeah, Boss?" He asked and Papyrus says "I found the human!!!" He says, Sans chuckles, "Yeah, Boss." Papyrus soon thought for a second making my nervous. "Human! I challenge you to complete me puzzles!!" He said with a demanding voice, he grabs my arm, forcing me to follow him.

Which I did, and I saw a puzzle. Ah! This is the puzzle that Sans showed me, I already know the answer though. You see, Sans kept my hidden until now, and he showed me these puzzles. This puzzle was the XOXO puzzle. The XOXO puzzle is a puzzle where the person needs to turn all the blue X's to red O's.

I smiled softly, I really enjoy doing this puzzle. I was patient person, so I waited for Papyrus to finish. It took a while but I waited. Papyrus soon stops, "Alright Human! Read the directions!" He says and I do as he says.

XOXO Puzzle:

The XOXO Puzzles are puzzles where the protagonist has to turn all the blue Xs into red Os without stepping on the O's again or else the tile turns into a green triangle.

Pressing on the switch found in each puzzle resets the switch if the puzzle is incomplete, pressing on the switch when all the tiles are red O's solves the puzzle and turn the puzzle into green O's. This puzzle is always reset upon leaving and reentering regardless of completion.

(This information was found in http://undertale.wikia.com/wiki/Snowdin/Puzzles )

Good luck!

I loved his handwriting! I smiled and looked at Papyrus, "Um. Boss?" I said quietly and Papyrus looked at me "Yes Human?" He asked and I grinned at him "I really like your handwriting!" I said and he blushed a red hue on his face. "Erm. Well! Thank you for the compliment!" I giggled and looked at the puzzle.

I looked at the puzzle and walk to the blue X and it turned to a red O. I giggled and went to the next one, I was about to complete them while I tripped and I hit a O. It turns to a green triangle, it soon reseted and I sighed of disappointment.

"Dang it." I mumbled, I never get it wrong, Papyrus walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, "It's alright, Human! You can try again!" He said while had some red blush on. I smiled "Really?" He nodded and I smiled wide and tried again.

I complete it, and I was happy. I jumped around so happy "Yes! I did it!" Papyrus saw me and blushed "You did Human!" He said while I smiled at him. Sans sees this and smirks "Oh~" Papyrus blushes and glared at Sans. "Shut up!" Sans chuckles and we all headed to the next puzzle.

I see a woman. She had dark purple hair wrapped in a messy pony tail, with blood red eyes. She has a white crop top with black leggings. She looked pissed, I saw her walking to us!? I panic but I see she's a human.

She walks to Sans, and stabs her index finger at his chest. "Sans! Where's the fucking money!?" The woman says while glaring at him. Sans chuckles while putting his hands of surrender "Look, Sweetheart. I don't have money on me," She scoffs, "Well if you're not gonna pay me," she grabs his leash "You're gonna wash the dishes!" She shouted, "Papyrus, I'm gonna take your brother!" She said while taking him.

"Alright, bring him back Flare!" Sans was dragged while he was holding on the tree, "Save yourself!" Sans yelled. I looked at the footprints and I looked back at Papyrus. "Is he gonna be okay?" Papyrus nods. "He always does this." "Oh."

He takes me to the next puzzle, we mostly do puzzles until we see 'Flare' come back with a pissed Sans. She had his leash and she comes dragging him, "Here I don't need him." She said while Papyrus nods. "Alright." Flare looks at me, instead of her cold glare, she smiles.

"Hi! I'm Awaken!" She said waving, "But you can call my Flare!" I nodded "I'm Y/n." She smiled, "Do you like Horror (Horror!?) movies?" I thought about it, not really. It really depends. But I shrugged "It really depends," She smirked, "Well you see. I want to see a movie but no one wants to see it," Flare said and I gasped "I'll watch it with you!"

Awaken smirked, "I don't know, I don't know if you can handle the movie," Sans looks at Awaken with curiosity, "What are you trying to say Lady?" Papyrus says, "It." She says and I smiled "Oh!~ Let's watch it!" I smiled while Awaken smiled.

"That's what I like to see! Let's go!" Papyrus and Sans follow us and we put the disk inside the TV. Awaken sat on the floor while I sat with Papyrus and Sans. I smiled until the movie started which made me nervous.

Parts come out... it made me nervous... I look at the screen, Red balloons... I get scared that I scream and hold Papyrus hand. Papyrus seems to refuse this action but hold me too.

In the end of the movie, I was still holding on to his arm not wanting to let go. Sans looks at me "Kid, the movies don--" I interrupted him "No! I'm don't want a balloon!" I said while Awaken tried not to laugh, "You alright?" I shook my head "The was spoopy.." I said in a childish behavior. Sans chuckles but he stops with a glare from Papyrus.

Sans and Awaken left to get some stuff, they're gonna fight soon. I stay with Papyrus still hugging me, "You can let go," he says but I shook my head "No, what if It comes back! What if he has a red balloon!" I said while Papyrus rolled his eyes(?) "Like that idiot would come to life."

I was still scared and Papyrus' faces softens, and hugs me, "They won't come back, I promise." He says making my comfortable "Really?" He nodded and we both slept 'peacefully' I would wake up scared.

Papyrus soon kisses my forehead "Good night Human."

???? POV

I'm not real? Well, I laughed evilly "He's right," I went to the dumpster and cried myself to sleep. Author why!?

Words: 1208

Sorry if I haven't updated, but I'm back. I'm gonna be (maybe) updating Monday, Friday, and the weekends. So if I don't answer it's because I'm busy or my school work TvT

Have a nice day! (It was a good movie!)

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