UnderFell! Sans X Bullied! Self-Harm! Reader

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Requested: Shadow_Dremmur

Warning: Strong Language

(Y/n)'s POV

I walk down the streets, I went to buy groceries for my roommate. No they aren't bad, my roommate, (F/n) went to Colorado, with their family. I didn't get mad, I knew they were stressed.

It was a fall season, I had my sweater with leggings. I had boots on while I had a purse. My (H/l) (H/c) was in a messy bun, I saw a young lady as a cashier. I went to the food section and got egg box, then I got some bread. I walk to the cashier center. "Will you like a coupon?" She said with a sweet smile. I looked at my purse and looked at her. "Oh no. It's alright."

She nodded and slide the food I purchased. "That will be $9.56, ma'am." I grabbed $10 and handed it to her. She got the money and gave me 44¢ in return.

While I was putting my money away, she put my food in a plastic bag. I grabbed the bag. "Have a nice day," She chirped while I nodded "You too."

While I was headed home, I sighed. I soon bumped into someone, I hit my nose on their shoulder. "Oh shit." I held my nose. The man saw me, "Hey! What the fuck?" I looked at him. "I'm so sorry."

He growled, "You worthless bitch." He told me. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah. Okay—" I got pinned on the wall. Hitting my head on the wall, really bad. I looked at him, dizzy.

"Listen bitch, you don't fucking bump into me." I glared at him. "I said sorry." He smirked. "That still doesn't mean you get away with it." I looked at him if he was crazy, which he is. "I hit my fucking nose!"

"So? Who fucking cares?" He said, I looked away. Great, this day is so fantastic. He grabbed my head forcefully, making me look at him. "Give me what you got." I glared at him.

"Heck! When pigs fly—" He slapped my face, making a red mark. I gasped, tears fell down. "Asshole! No one gives you permission to fucking slap me!" He growls.

"Give me what you got. If not I'll be hard." I glared and gave him a $50 bill. He looked at the money and glared back at me.

"More." I glared at him. "I don't have anything else!" He growled. "Liar!" He pushed me to the wall, he took my purse. He took extra $60 bills.

He smirks, "Heh. Told you." I looked at him. "I need that!" He scoffs. "For what?"

"My rent." I told him. "I need that for my rent!" I kicked him in the crotch and he fell on the floor in pain.

I grabbed my money and food, and quickly ran. "Hey! Come back here!" He growled. I gasped while crying, "No!"

I ran and ran until I grabbed my car keys and sat on my seat. Quickly, I closed and locked me door. (Heh cartoons) I turned the car on, and drove away. I cried, I headed home. I put my car in a garage, and headed to my apartment.

I went to my 14 floor and I see my neighbor. She was a monster. I don't have anything against her, I'm glad she's here, she helped me with many things. When I was trying to find my keeps, she said she found them in the hall. I don't know why humans hate monsters.

Right now I plugged my key and my neighbor was going out. She looks her door, she turns around and sees me. "Hello Child." I smiled. "Greetings." She smiles and leaves.

My door opens and I go inside. I closed my door and fell on the floor crying, I held my cheek were it had the mark. It hurts.

~ Few Months Later ~

"Yo, Bitch! You brought the money!" The guy, I caught from up few months. He was always there to annoy me or beat the crap out off me.

"I owe you no shit." I growled until, he grabbed me by the neck. Almost to strangling me, "How's your cutting?" He smirked. I've also been cutting myself. Fun fact, isn't it? I gave him a hatred face.

It reminds me of a bitch I am, I couldn't do anything right. I just need to calm down, "Good. How's your short penis?" I told him. He growled and was choking me harder.

"Hey! Let her go!"

I look to see a skeleton, has a red collar and black jacked, red neck turtle and red sneakers. He's with my neighbor. "My Child!" I stood quiet, I wanted to speak but I was being choked. I try to gasp for air.

"I said! Let go!" His left eye socket, glows. Leaving a fire like glow. He push his hand up, controlling his arm. I whimpered, the guy let go. Making me fall to the ground, breathing in heavily.

I look to see my neighbor, I ran to her hugging her. While tears were falling from my eyes. I gasped while crying, she hugged back. "My child. Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded, the skeleton look to me. Why is it peaceful? I turn around to see the guy, knocked out.

"Kid you alright? You have so many bruises." He said, he touched my cheek, where it has a bruise. "I'm fine." He still didn't look unsure. "Can you walk?" I nodded and stood up. But I wobbled a bit, I held my stomach and started walking back.

The pain was coming back, I hated it. I soon fell but I got caught. It was the skeleton, "I'll help you." He said, my eyes widen. "What!? You don't have to!"

"Well. I want to." He lifts me up and holds my hand. We were face to face. Wow.

~Months Past~

"Falling in Love is weak!" I said to myself. I groaned and banged my head on the table. "Give up! Give up! Give up!—" I got hugged behind and see Sans.

I blushed, "What are you doing?" He shrugged, "Hugging a cutie." I sighed and patted his back. "I hate you," I growled but he chuckled. "Nah. You're in love with me."

That is so true, "What?" I made myself sound that I was sainting the truth, but I wasn't. I really love him. I looked down, "Sans?"

He hummed in responds, "Thank you, for everything." I kissed his teeth(?) and he kissed back somehow. "You'll always be important to me no matter what shit happens." He said making me smile more that I could.

"I love you," he chuckled while ruffling my hair, "I love myself too." I gave him a poker face. "Never mind." We laugh, "Alright (Y/n) I love you." I smiled, he knew about my scars, fears, enemies, my mistakes but always stayed by my side.

That's a guy you know he'll love you for years.

Words: 1165




YOU GUYS GAVE MY FEW FIRST PARTS AROUND 1-2K! You guys are amazing! You are like my family that I could depend on, I have stuff going on but I'll try to do everything I can.

Bye <3

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