Error Sans X Shy! Reader

916 25 2

[Y/n]'s POV

I honestly sighed in boredom as I hear my date ramble about this life as a businessman and how he is now looking a way to be a bartender. I awkwardly nodded my head with an awkward smile. "Wow... that was an interesting life experience you got there," I said as he smirks at me pride. "Of course, my life is the best!"

I stand up, "I have to go, I'll make sure to call you back," I said. We exchange goodbyes as I cringe as I hear him say. "Of course you're going to call me back," After leaving I dramatically sighed as I see Awaken in my passenger seat. "Well?" I asked her as I see her sigh. "Did you see the messages?"

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?-"

As I turn on my phone I see messages from Awaken;


gay-ass 😤💗💛💖 2 h ago

hey bbg, I set you up with the wrong dude. cancel the date.


gay-ass 😤💗💛💖 1 h ago

prepare to meet your doom.

I looked at her as I see her staring at her phone. Her dark purple hair was almost covering her eyes, "I confused you with the wrong dude, sorry," she says as she turns to look at me. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, it's cool. Plus that dude was super annoying. Don't date him," I said as I hear her laugh.

"You still wanna meet him?" She asked as I shook my head. "I am so done with this dude he wasted all my energy." Awaken looks back at her phone. "Tomorrow it is," I laugh as I turn on the engine. "Do you want to go to a cafe?" I asked as Awaken nods. "Sure."

I drove us to the nearest cafe, which was four blocks away and we went inside. The cafe was quiet which was pretty good, as we ordered our coffee I see a skeleton with a drink. I smiled, "Look, it's Sans," I said to Awaken as she right away saw who I was talking about.

"W-Wait! That's not-,"

"Hey Sans," I smiled as him as I see his eyes with different colors and his bones looked like charcoal. This isn't Sans.

"Sorry, I think you got the wrong guy," I heard him say as he takes a sip of his drink. "Y-Yeah sorry," I said. "But I really like your tattoos.."

He looks at me weirdly, "Tattoos?" He says weirdly. Oh crap that I mess up!? Maybe it's a scar, wait no! Maybe!-

"Y-Yeah, under your eye sockets," I said as he laughs at me. "Listen sweetie, these aren't tattoos," he says as he smiles — which honestly I think he's been smiling the whole time — as he wipes a imagery tear from the corner of his eye sockets.

"S-Sorry?" I asked as he kept chucking to himself, "These are just here..." he says not really wanting to explain more as I stood there. "E-Either way, I think they're cool. They make you..." I soon started to mumble.

"They make me what?"

"T-They make you more badass," I said as I look away as I feel my face heat up. He stays quiet, "Would you like to sit?" I turn to him as he takes another sip.

"E-Eh... I'm actually with someone," I said as I pointed to Awaken who had already our coffee's as she was talking to someone on the phone.

"Ah," he said understanding as he takes something out of pockets, "I'd like to hear more about you," he said as I smile back at him. "S-Sure.."

We exchange numbers, as we were about to text each other to make sure there wasn't a mix up Awaken already left. "S-Shit! I gotta go, bye!" I stammer as I ran through the door as he stays and chuckles.

"Awaken! You can't just do that!" I yelled as she turns to see me and smirks, "I just did,"

            Error ☕️               Now

                  Hey. It's me, badass.

I chuckled as I caught Awaken's attention. But as she saw how my phone was lit up in front of my face, she had a playful smirk. "You sure you found that dude boring?"

"From my blind date? Hell yeah,"

"Who are you smiling for then?" She said as I look up to her and pulled my tongue out. "For myself." She laughs and as we went inside the car, Error and I — yes I found out his name — kept texting and texting through the whole night. Almost didn't get enough sleep for the next day which could've been bad because I had work the next day.

As I got up from my seat and went to pack up. I put all the deals I want to work on today in the evening but also had to improve some inventions from people.

I walk slowly to the door as I say goodbye, "See you tomorrow, Ms. [L/n]." Said my boss. Right after that I forgot my phone in my locker. Fuck.

I was now in a cafe, as I ordered [Coffee of Choice] and a donut and began munching on my donut. "Enjoying the coffee?" I turn around and see Error. I smiled, "Y-Yes I am, would you like to take a sip?"

He shrugged and went for it. "It's good," I nodded. "Obviously, because I chose it," Error laughs. As he laughs and takes a sip, I smiled softly. I want to get to know you, Error.

WORDS: 930

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