Military! UnFresh X Prisoner! Reader (Part 3)

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Requested: (Y/n)

Y/n's POV

I was asleep until I felt someone touch my hair. They were running their hands through it. It was calm but I opened on eyes to see UnFresh. I flinched and I looked up to see Unfresh's eyes looking at me. I blinked and cried. UnFresh saw this, "Baby, please don't cry." I hugged him. "You're alive!!" I cried on his shoulder while he hugged back.

I kissed him in his teeth, he kissed back. We kissed while I broke the kiss, I soon looked at him with a sweet smile and bitch slap him.

He hold his cheek where I slapped him. "What the fuck!?" I looked away pouting and mad, "What was the for?!" He asked, "That's what you get for making me worried, not telling where you went!" I told him "And making me wonder if you're ever going to come back!"

UnFresh looked at me and his face softened. "Baby, look at me." He places his hand under my chin making me look at him. "I'm here, I'm still alive. I'm always going to be by your side."

I smiled a bit, but not fully. UnFresh frowns, "Where's your beautiful smile?~" He purrs. I blushed and looked away, "Hm. I don't kn-" after I said that my stomach was kicked. I groaned and held my stomach, UnFresh sees this and stood there shocked.

"You really got fat, geez. I should put you on a diet." I glared at him and smack his skull. "I'm not fat!" I puffed my cheeks and UnFresh looked confused until he blushed madly.

"You mean.." I nodded. "I'm pregnant." UnFresh stood there shock. I turn to see him crying, I gasped. "Baby? Why are you crying?" I held his cheek, "I feel so ashamed." I looked confused. "What do you mean ashamed?" I asked him.

Did he not want a baby? I stared at him, "I should of been there when you needed help, but i couldn't." He looked down and the covers, he grips on them. I placed his hand on his, "Baby. I'm fine. It didn't matter, you were in a coma, don't worry." He sighed. "How many months?"

"6 months." He cried harder "I'm the worst father and husband." I grabbed his skull, "Sugar, you're not the worst." UnFresh closed his eyes, "But I left you by yourself and couldn't help you."

"Baby, But you were in a coma. You didn't know, don't you worry." UnFresh looked unsure, I grabbed his cheekbones and kissed him softly.

UnFresh kissed back. Licking the bottom of my lips for entrance, I opened my mouth letting his tongue go in my mouth. Exploring, until we heard a knock on the door, we pulled away, "Come in."

The commander and doctor came. "Ma'am. We're going to pull the pl-" the doctor stopped to see me and UnFresh. The Commander smiles, "He's alive!!" The shouts across the room. UnFresh smiles, "How long have you've been awake?" The doctors asked, "Just few seconds ago." He said while I was smiling.

"Well, welcome back."

~1 year past ~

"(D/n)!" UnFresh yelled. He had his head paint on, with a sharpe marker. I giggled. "Honey calm dow-" I look to see (D/n) standing there "Yes Daddy?" UnFresh has a frown, "Where did you get a marker?!" Our daughter giggled innocently.

"From Junior." Junior, or my son, he's a artistic person. He's always been the creative feeling while our daughter, was a trouble maker. She was aggressive and would be protective.

UnFresh sighed, "Junior." He came out, "It wasn't me! She took it!" Pointing at his sister, while pouting. UnFresh sighed of frustration. "Just don't do it, again." The kids nodded and went to play.

He sat down in the sofa next to me. "Parent is such a difficult job." I laughed. "You're a weirdo." I commented, "Yes. Yes I am." He closed his eyes, I smirked evilly. "Yet. You wanted another one." He opened his eyes, "Let's not please."

"I already deal with my skeleton-boy and my pumpkin." I still had my smirk. "Well, I guess you're not looking for another kid." I said, trying to act sad. UnFresh looked at me. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "You've been telling me how much you wanted another one, remember last night?" He blushed of embarrassment. "W-What do you mean!?" He said, more embarrassed.

"Do you think we can handle two?" He smiled and kissed my neck. Leaving soft kisses and soon aims it on my lips. "My baby. I love you." He said.

I huffed, "But you said you didn't want another ones." I crossed my hand and looked away. "Baby, I'm sorry," he whined and holding on my arm. "Hm. Seems like you're trying to make me feel better."

"And you were complying earlier." I said. UnFresh grabbed my face, "You don't think I'm grateful?" I stayed quiet. He squished my face "Your face is squishy," I giggled a bit, "And soft." Saying that while kissing my lips. "Beautiful." Kissing me again.

Every compliment gets a kiss, I smiled until I realized that I was laying my back on the sofa, with him at top. "My beautiful angel~" I laughed. "Alright. You win."

He had his victorious smile, "Yess! I won the war!" I smiled. "Yes you did, Babe." I kissed him while wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you." I told him, blushing while smiling. He smirks, "If I get a penny for every time you said 'I love you' I would be rich." I laughed.

"Mama! Papa! Can we watch a movie?" I blushed hard, they were looking at the situation we were. UnFresh smiled, "Sure!" The kids smiled. "Yes!!"

Junior put a (F/M/N) and we all sat down watching this. I love this timeline, "I love you, all." The kids slept while UnFresh was awake, trying not to fall asleep while I laid my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep, UnFresh soon whispers, "I love you,"

"I love you too," I said smiling.

Words: 1012

Hhhhhhh!! I love this I swear. Request will be in soon.

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