Military! UnFresh X Prisoner! Reader (Part 2)

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Requested: Y/n

Third POV

3 years past, the war has finally finished on May 6, 20XX. The humans have lost, that cause the Monsters victories. People would of think, what a happy ending for UnFresh and Y/n! Well, not all things have a happy ending.

After the war, Y/n has promised a truce with the Monsters, they didn't trust them at first but soon accepted their truce. UnFresh soon lived a good life with Y/n, but the Humans. The Humans, they had a bloodlust and they didn't want to accept their lose. So they decided to make up a plan, to destroy the traitor Y/n. They have found about the relationship of Monster with the Human. This caused UnFresh to be unsafe with Humans, but what if Y/n, gets a gift.

Y/n's POV

"No! No! No! No! No!" I cried to fear "I can't be.." I looked at the paper. I can't be, this is bad! UnFresh will die for embarrassment of me and leave me. Alone. I saw a tear fall, "N-No.." I kept looking at the paper, I soon saw tear drops on the paper. I rubbed my eyes, and hid the paper. I sighed and cleaned any tears, I soon went to the living room.

Soon, footsteps come. My eyes widen while a tear falling down. Thoughts of UnFresh leaving me, I soon felt hands on my shoulder "Hey Doll," My lover said with his permanent smile, I looked at him while his smile fades. "What's wrong?" He said while cleaning a tear, I jumped and looked away "N-Nothing! Just thinking," I spoke and he pulled me to a passionate kiss, I kissed back slowly. I felt his hands on my waist, I soon rested my hands in his chest. While kissing, feeling his hands go down and reached to my butt. I pushed him off, scare me with tears.

I gasp, "I-I..I'm sorry.." I whispered and went to my room. I cried, but I realized something. Why am I acting like this? He's not gonna get pissed of my problem! Why am I acting like those women who get emotional!

I stood up and cleaned my cheek, I opened the door and saw UnFresh. "Y/n, what's wr--" I interrupted him with kisses, kissing his teeth. He looked confused, while I kissed his cheek, and went down with his neck. I felt him flinched, but I looked up, "UnFresh. I got to tell you something." He looked at me with a soft smile. "What's in your mind?" I was about to speak while I got interrupted by a phone call. I frowned, "Answer it," UnFresh sighed and nodded.

"Hello?" I heard a voice of a man, it sounded so familiar I looked at UnFresh. He looked serious, "I need you to go to the ally today at 12:32 am." My lover looked confused "Why? Who is this?" The call ended. I was still trapped my my thoughts. "Hello? Y/n?" I snapped out of it "Oh. Sorry."

I looked at the time, it's 8:41 pm, I looked back. "So what were you gonna tell me?" I sighed "I have this--" soon we heard a knock on the door. I frowned while UnFresh chuckled and opened it. It was his commander, "Um, Hello Sir?" UnFresh said with confusion.

His commander looked at me and back, "Hello UnFresh," I soon spoke "Come on in, Sir," He smiled and walked in "You want anything to drink?" I asked while he shook his head "No it's alright," UnFresh sat on the chair and so did him.

"Anything wrong?" UnFresh asked and the Commander nodded. "Yes, Humans are now trying to get rid of us." I looked shocked "What!?" UnFresh frowned with a glare. "WHY THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS!" I put a hand on his shoulder and I felt him calm down.

He's face calm down a bit and he sighs. "I'm sorry," Commander frowns "It's alright, I felt the same," I looked at the commander.

"So, have there been any reports what the humans have been doing?" I asked and Commander looks at me. I know he trust me, ever since I dated UnFresh. He accepted and not many humans supported our relationship. Mostly like my parents, my dad yes, but my mother no.

My mother excepts me to date normal people because that's what normal people are.

"Some of the troops have been receiving random calls," I looked confused "Do you think they're trying to lead us to something?" UnFresh said with his glare on. Commander, he growled. "They better hope not." What ever the humans are thinking. They better stop.

~ Time Skip ~

UnFresh's POV

I woke up, I looked at my side and see Y/n sleeping. I smiled softly and played with her hair a bit. I soon realized that she was hugging my arm. I chuckled quietly and replaced my hand with a pillow. She groaned but tighten the pillow. I kissed her forehead "I'll come back,"

I got up and went to the ally. This is not just an ally. This is the ally most people go. So since they weren't so pacifist I went there. I saw 5 shadowy figure men. They were taller than me. I growled "Your the ones that called me?" I asked and I heard chuckles.

"Looks like the skeleton is smart." I felt my eye glow but I ignored the feeling. "Well well well, how was your day?" I asked and they grinned. "Good, how about yours?"

I smirked "Oh, it's been fantastic." One of the men said "Well it's gonna be bad," I looked confused "Sorry about this. Oh wait! I'm not!" "What are yo--"

Before I could finish my sentence I was shot. I felt everything dizzy, the men chuckled but that didn't stopped me. I ran up and punched the men. 2 got hit in the head, some got scratches. They yelp away while I was laying on the ground. "H-Help..."

Everything blacked out.

Third POV

The commander found UnFresh on the ground. He was breathing slowly, The commander soon took him to the hospital while his wife Y/n woke up with tears. She came rushing down to the hospital and saw her lover in the hospital bed.

She started to cry, tears falling from her eyes. "UnFresh!!" She cried while sniffing resting her head on his arm. "Baby! Please wake up!" The doctors said he was in a coma. It made your feelings down, you started to sleep less, cry more. Eat less, suffer more.

One day, visiting him. You didn't want to pull the plug so the doctors decided for at least for two months, one month past.

Y/n's POV

"H-Hey honey..." I said quietly to him. "How was your day?" I said and I got silence "That's good," I smiled "Junior has been kicking today," I rubbed my stomach and I looked at him. "The doctors said he's gonna be a healthy boy," I said. I dropped the act "Please come back, Baby," I cried "Please! I miss you!"

I hold his hand softly, "Please..." I cried softly for a while. I felt Junior kick, I touched my stomach. Only 6 months. I laid my head on his shoulder and slept.

But little didn't I know, he hold me hand back.

"Welcome back, UnFresh,"

Words: 1239


Jeez! Part 3? XDD Hope you like it!

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