You're a Witch

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You and Harry lay there on the floor of the old shack that sat on top of a chunk of rock in the middle of a sea, Uncle Vernon decided to hide out on. You helped him draw a birthday cake in the dirt with 'Happy Birthday Harry and (Y/N)' on it with eleven candles. Then you both looked at dudleys watch on his arm that hung off the couch he laid vast asleep on as the clock beeped 12:00.

"Make a wish Harry," "You too," he answered and you both blew out the candles then suddenly a loud bang came from the door. You both jumped up as Dudley woke up with a scream. Another bang shook the raggedy shack and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia came creeping down the stairs with a shot gun.

Another bang shook the house and the door fell with a loud thud. Harry hid behind the furnace and you plopped down behind the couch. You heard foot steps then a loud voice ring out. "Sorry 'bout that." Then you heard what sounded like the person putting the door back.

"Get out! You're breaking and entering!" Uncle Vernon yelled. "Dry up Dursleys you great prune." You heard a gun shot and looked out of the corner of your eye to see the shot gun Uncle Vernon held was bend up and a shot in the ceiling going straight up.

"Gee Harry, I hadn't seen ya since you was a little one, but you're far more along then I thought, especially around the middle." You looked to Dudley who stood terrified. The man must think he is Harry. "I-I'm not H-Harry." Harry stepped out from behind the fireplace. "I-I am." "Well of course ya are. Say, where's your sister?" Harry looked at you and you stood from your hiding spot and walked next to Harry.

"Ah there ya are, beautiful. You both have your mothers eyes." You smiled. The man sat down on the couch, drew an umbrella from his large coat and pointed it at the furnace and a shot of light left the tip and lit the fire wood.

"I brought you something, made it myself letters and all, may have sat on it one or twice on the way, but it'll still taste the same. He handed you and Harry a smushed up white box. You opened it to see a circle cake with pink icing and green letters saying. 'Happee birthdae Harry and (Y/N).'

"Thank you." You beamed with Harry. "Who are you?" Harry asked. "Rubius Hagrid, keeper of keys at Hogwarts. You two would be knowin all bout Hogwarts." "Sorry, no." You said and Harry sat the cake down. "No? Blimey (Y/N), did you not ever wander where your parents learned it all?" "Learned what?" Harry came back next to you.

"You're a wizard Harry, and you a Witch (Y/N)." You both gave blank looks of disbelief. "I'm sorry, but I can't be a-a wizard." "And I not a witch, I'm just (Y/N)." "And I'm just Harry." "Well just Harry and (Y/N), have you ever seen anything strange, or made something happen when you were angry or mad?"

You both looked at each other with confuse and shocked expressions then back at Hagrid. "Right, I've got something for you two, here ya are," he handed each of you an exact duplicate of the letters you'd been so desperately looking forward to reading.

You smiled at the letter and ripped it open, Harry hesitated then opened his. There was a moment of silence before Harry read his out loud. "Witchcraft and Wizardry! You mean this if real!?" You beamed and Hagrid smiled with a nod. "They will not be going! We swore when we took them in we'd put an end to all this nonsense!"

"You knew, all this time!?" You yelled turning to uncle Vernon. "Oh course we knew, my sister being what she was. I was the only one to see her for what she truly was, a freak! I knew you two would be just the same. And look what she got into, went and got herself blown up!" "Blown up!?" You yelled and got a bit choked up and when Harry put a hand on your arm you jerked away and got mad. "You told us our parents died in a car crash!"

"A car crash? A car crash killed lily and James potter! Its an outrage, a scandal!" Uncle Vernon mustered up some courage and stepped up to Hagrid. "They will not be going." "And I suppose a great muggle like you is gonna stop them?" Hagrid pointed his umbrella at Dudleys bum who was scarfing down your birthday cake, and a purple light shot out as a pig tail peeked up through his pants.

They all started screaming and ran upstairs. "Well, a bit behind schedule, best be going you two." He said walking over and dropping the door. "Unless you'd rather stay of course?" He said cocking an eyebrow. You and Harry shared a smile and ran after him.

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