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It had been days and Hermione barely spoke with Ron. Quite pitiful actually.

"Have you tried disaney?" Ron asked Hermione. "Yes." "Magic?" Harry asked. "Yes Harry." They all stood above you why Harry looked at your arm again.

"What if you cursed me." You said. "What?" They all asked. "Well not curse me exactly, but what if you kill it?" You asked. "Kill it? You mean you?" Hermione asked. "No way." She said wrapping it again.

"Well trust me if that happens everytime we find a bloody horcrux im be dead before this is over." You snapped. "Harry hand me the sword." You said and he did. "What are you doing?" Hermione asked. "Killing a horcrux," you said before stabbing the blade into your shoulder where he bite was.

"What the hell!?" Ron shrieked as did Harry. You let out a lord groan as a pool of black liquid fled out of your shoulder onto the floor before it turned to ashes. "Fuck." You said quietly with a chuckle. "I can't believe you just did that!" Hermione laughed.

"You've got more balls than I do I can tell you that much." Harry laughed.


Your shoulder healed fine after that, Hermione said the scar would barely be noticeable. "I want to go see Mr. Lovegood." "What?" Harry asked.

"This symbol is everywhere, we need to go there." "Okay, let's vote. All in favor?" Ron said weakly raising his hand. He had been trying so hard to get Hermione to not be mad at him again. It wasn't working.

Hermione left the tent. "You'll get her one day champ." You teased and he shoved you with a smirk.


"Is that it?" You asked seeing the house. "Yep." Hermione said. You walked up to it and knocked on the door. "Who are you? What do you want?" He asked. You and Harry stepped up.

"We spoke with you at the wedding sir." Harry said as he invited you in.


"The resurrection stone, the elder wand, and the cloak of invisibility, together they make he deathly hollows." He said. He walked down to get more 'tea'.

"Does no one else think it's odd Luna hasn't come done yet?" You asked but no one seemed to answer as they were in a hurry to leave.

"No you can't go!" He said blocking the door. "They took her, but it's you two they want." He said turning to you and Harry. "Who took her?" You asked. "Voldemort." He whispered.

Deatheaters appeared wrecking the house to shreds and the four of your quickly apparated. "Is he mental! Is there no one we can bloody trust!!" Ron yelled.

"They took his daughter Ron." You defended. "I'll start on the enchantments." Ron said.

"Hello lovely." Scabior, I have seen him before. Snatchers. You all started running. "Well don't just stand there, snatch 'em!" He yelled.

You all split up partially, Ron and Hermione in different directions you and Harry stuck together. You heard Ron yell. Them an explosion near Hermione. Then you saw her. She quickly turned to you and Harry and cast a spell. You both fell flat on your back.

Harry's face blew up like a beach ball and the scar on your neck turned to a brown birthmark, your hair turned (the opposite color) and your eyes turned (different color).

Snatchers grabbed each of you. "What happened to you ugly? What's your name?" He asked Harry. "Dudley, Vernon Dudley." "Check it!" He told a guy as he searched Harry.

"What do they call you two lovelies?" "Platapy claywater." Hermione said. "You?" "Ramilda Vain." You lied. "Wasn't your hair a different color?" He asked you putting a finger under your chin. "Don't touch me." You said quietly but threateningly.

"Snippy snippy." "Boss," the one said near Harry moving his hair showing his messed up scar. Then he jerked to you. He walked over grabbing you by the hair turning our head roughly, seeing where your sat should be.

"New plans, we're taking this load to the manor." You looked to Hermione and she looked at you just as scared, as her eyes trailed to your neck.

Your love stone.

We're screwed.

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