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You woke up in the Hospital Wing and sat up quickly. At the bottom of your bed was tons of candy and some flowers. You giggled and looked over as Harry sat up from the bed next to you quickly with a gasp. You and him smiled at each other.

Then Dumbledore came in. "Ah, I see the young Malfoy's finally gone, he's been in here forever." You and Harry gave him a confused look. "Excuse me sir?" You said confused. "Yes you heard right Miss Potter, most of your friends would wait for the two of you to wake up, when no one was here Draco would come and wait by your bed."

You looked at Harry and he had a look of discus and you giggled causing him to. "What about Ron," "and Hermione," "are they okay?" "How are they?" You both alternated sentences. Dumbledore raised a hand. "Relax dear children, Weasley and Granger are just fine. You must know, that what happened with Quirrell in the dungeons is a complete secret, to naturally, the whole school knows."

You and Harry giggled. "That man, was" "Voldemort?" You and Harry asked again. "I'm afraid so." "And the stone," "where's the stone!?" You and Harry rushed. "The stone has been destroyed, Nicholas and I decided it was best." Dumbledore said sitting on the end of Harry's bed.

"But doesn't that mean, that Nicholas will die?" You asked. "He has enough elixir to set his affairs in order, but yes, he will die." You and Harry frowned. "Bertie Botts Every Glavor Beans, I was unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavored one once, since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for then, but I don't suppose I could go wrong with a nice Toffy."

Dumbledore said grabbing a bean from the box. "Ah, alas, earwax." You and Harry giggled. You later sat with your friends at the Slytherin table for the final feast. "I will now reward, the house cup, in fourth place, Gryffindor, in third Hufflepuff, raven claw in second, and In first, Slytherin."

Everyone cheered. You zoned out at the totals. All you could think about was the fact Malfoy was worried about you. "However, recent events must be taken into account, so I have some last minute points to award." Everyone whispered. This caught your attention.

"To Ron Weasley, for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has ever seen, 50 points." Everyone cheered and the Slytherins snarled. "To miss Hermione Grandger, for the cool use of intellect, 50 points." Everyone cheered. "To Mr. Harry Potter, for standing brace in the face of danger, 60 points." Everyone cheered and the Slytherin table sank.

"They're 50 points ahead of us!" Grace snarled.
"And to Mr. Neville Longbottom, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends, 10 points." The Gryffindor table cheered. "And last but not least, Miss (Y/N) Potter," everyone turned to you.

"For remaining calm when standing face to face with death itself, and putting over before you, I award Slytherin house, 70 points." Everyone cheered. "I believe if my calculation are correct, a new change of decoration is in order." He clapped his hands and Slytherin and Gryffindor flags hung side by side each other.

You giggled with your friends and looked down the table making eye contact with Malfoy. He smiled at you and you looked away quickly. "Hey Potter!" Yelled a Gryffindor you didn't know. "Your a filthy disgrace to your family name!" It didn't bother you, till you saw your brother, laughing with the boy.

You strut over to the table quickly. "Harry," you hissed slapping the back of his head. "Sod off Slytherin." Hissed he unknown Gryffindor. "I'm your bloody sister you git!" You hissed at Harry as he snarled at you. He stood to you. "We aren't as close to the same person as we thought ya know, ya said so yourself." He said shyly.

"Yeah but that doesn't make me evil!" You hissed again."the hat put you in Slytherin (Y/N), it said you had darkness in you, I just can't afford to be backstabbed by another Slytherin." You gasped at his ignorance. "We have shared a bedroom since we were born, we live the same shitty life and you think I'd back stab you?" You asked hurt.

"I don't (Y/N), your a Slytherin I'm a Gryffindor, our parents were Gryffindors too, you kind of are a disgrace to the name." He said then reached for yo realizing how bad that hurt but oh ran out of the Great Hall and to the Slytherin common room. You sunk down the wall suffering and whaling like crazy.

How could he! He was your twin! I anyone he was suppose to stay next to you through this bull shit! You heard someone come in but couldn't bring yourself to look up. Suddenly someone sat next to you and you clung onto them for dear life crying into their chest.

"It's okay, it's okay, what's he say?" It was a Malfoy. This was Malfoy you were crying onto. But you didn't care, you were heartbroken, if he was the best you could get right now you'd take it. "He said I was a disgrace too, my own brother." You cried. "Just like you called me." You huffed pushing him off of you and he stood up.

"Let me help you." You shook your head no. "I'm sorry for what I said, there's no excuse for my actions. But I stayed with you in the hospital when no one else did to make sure you'd wake up, you had to wake o so I could tell you that I was sorry. Your a great girl and I love being around you, and I hope you can forgive how I acted one day."

"But you hate Half bloods." You sniffled.

"Well apparently not all of them." You looked up at the warm smile he gave you and accepted his hand standing up.

"Thank you Malfoy."

"Anytime, Potter."

You hugged him tightly. "We can't tell Harry about this." You giggled and Draco giggled with you. "Come on, you need some rest." Draco said taking you to your room. "Thank you Draco." He froze and you turned to him, his face was bright red and a wide smiled across his face. "What?" You giggled."what's wrong with you?" You asked.

"That's the first time you've ever called me Draco." You giggled. "So?" He giggled with you. "I like it, goodnight (Y/N)." You smiled as he said your name too. "Goodnight Malfoy." You smile as he left.

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