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I had been weeks. Maybe months. You weren't really sure. But it had been a long time. Harry, you and Hermione were getting along well, Ron had been keeping to himself.

You were reading outside the tent. Hermione was cutting Harry's hair. "Oh my god!" Hermione gasped. You ignored it thinking she may of just messed up Harry's hair a bit.

"Hermione you're a genius!" To heard Harry. Guess we should see this. You said to yourself getting up. "What's going on?" You asked seeing Ron at the end of the table. "I'm still here." Ron said to Harry and Hermione.

"Ron," you started. "If you have something to say go in don't be shy." Harry said. "Is this not what you expected? Thought you'd be back with your mum by Christmas?" Harry said.

"I just thought that after all this time we would've found something." You stood listening confused.

"You don't think we understand!? You don't think we know how this feels!?" Harry yelled.

"No you don't know how it feels your parents are dead! You don't have family!" Ron yelled. You jumped in front of Harry as he lunged at Ron.

"Go then!" Harry yelled pushing you off of him. Ron grabbed his bag and head out of the tent. Harry put his head on your shoulder angry.

"Ron!" Hermione yelled after him. But he apparate away. "Everything is falling apart." Harry said angry.

"It's okay, I'm right here." You said holding him to calm him down. "How do you do it? How do you just keep your shit together?" He asked you.

"I don't." You admitted.

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