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"(Y/N) come on love we need to get good seats." Draco said taking your hand and leading you towards the doors. He wrapped his jacket around you and held you tight to him because of the rain. "You know I won't melt because of the rain." You joked and he giggled. "Whatever come on."

You ran down to the field and up into the Slytherin stands to watch the match. "Where's your scar head brother?" Draco joked as the teams started to fly onto the field. You nudged and laughed with him before pointing to him. "He's right there you prat." He game began and the crowds began to cheer. Gryffindors was playing Hufflepuff today and he weather was terrible.

At one point Harry bolted off into the clouds along side the Hufflepuff seeker after the snitch. "Oh god-" you said when you say the Hufflepuff seeker falling from the sky before he regained control but crashed a bit roughly. "Where is he?" To worried walking along the stands towards the Gryffindors.

Draco stayed behind with the others. You found Fred and George alone with Hermione and Ron and waited for sight of Harry. When suddenly a small red speck appeared free falling from the sky. Immediately you knew it was Harry and Hermione screamed along with many others. "Damn it!" You yelled before running towards the field.

"Arresto Momentum!" Dumbledore called stopping Harry from hitting the ground. You ran across the field l him followed by the other and some teachers and dropped to your knees quickly. "Harry-" when you went to touch him a high pitched scream filled your ears. "(Y/N)!?" You heard Hermione yell as you passed out along side your brother.


Hermione: How is she?"
Ron: "Just as good as him I suppose, she looks a bit pale, him a bit beat up."
Fred: "well you wouldn't look to swell if you fell a hundred feet through the air,"
George: "yeah let's make you pass out from some twisted magic see how you look."

"Give it a try Ron," you choked out as you began to wake up.
"Yeah he'll look the same as always." Harry finished your sentence. You opened your eyes in the hospital wing with Harry in the next bed over to you. You Slytherin friend next to you to your left and the bottom of your bed and Harry's all your Gryffindors friends.

"Bloody hell, what are the odds they both wake up at the same time." Dean joked. "How do you feel?" Draco asked you. You then noticed he had been holding your hand the hole time. "I'm fine, Harry what-" "Dementors." Hermione said. "No one blames you Harry, the dementors aren't suppose to be in school grounds. Dumbledore was furious,  after he saved you he sent them straight away."

"And what happened to you?" Harry asked. "I don't know. I ran down to the field and got there as you landed, but when I did I heard this, scream." "Scream?" Draco questioned. "You heard it too?" Harry asked. "You did?" You asked and he nodded. "Wicked." You twins said and you all laughed.

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