Quidditch World Cup

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Your summer with Draco flew by. And sadly through out it all, Harry never answered or try to contact you. You assumed he was either angry at you or Uncle Vernon wouldn't let him answer you, however it gave you a lot of time to grow closer to Draco and his Parents. In a week school would start back, but for now it was still summer, So for now you began to pick something to wear.

You were going to the Quidditch World Cup with Draco and his father, invited by the Minister. Draco came back and walked over behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and planting a kiss on your neck before going over to get dressed.

You picked out a black dress and heels and walked into the bathroom to change and fix up your hair.

You walked out of the bathroom to see Draco in a very nice all black suit

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You walked out of the bathroom to see Draco in a very nice all black suit. He then turned to see you and gaped in awe. He scanned every inch of you thoroughly before a extremely wide smile came across his face. "Beautiful."

You blushed and he walked over kissing your lips lightly then hugging you tightly. "Come on let's go." He said taking your hand and guiding you downstairs.


You walked through the stands at the World Cup on your way to the ministers box with Draco and Lucius. You walked by one section when all three of your heads turned to a familiar voice. "How high are we?" You saw the Weasleys, along with Hermione and Harry.

"Well let's put it this way," Lucius said walking towards the rail as they all looked down at you. "If it rains, you'll be the first to know." "Father, (Y/N) and I are in the ministers box, by personal invitation  of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco said proudly. "Don't boast Draco-" Lucius said jabbing him with his walking stick.

"Come on-" Harry said trying to push everyone along with him. Lucius hooked his shoe with the snake head on the end of his walking stick. "Do you enjoy yourself though." He said. You and Draco smirked as Draco put an arm around your waist. Lucius removed the stick from Harry's shoe.

You then continued towards the minister box. You sat on the end next to Draco. "Well Mr. Malfoy, so glad you could make it." Fudge said shaking Lucius's hand. "And young Draco, and bless my soul, (Y/N) Potter. My do you look lovely." Fudge said shaking your hands. "Thank you Minister." You said before he went to announce the start of the game.

"Let the Quidditch World Cup, begin!" Fudge announced. And so the game begun.

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