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You were visiting Hagrid's Harry and the others a few weeks later for some tea. "Oh and Ron," Hagrid said as you four were leaving. He pulled out Scabbers from a pot. "Scabbers!" Ron said taking his rat. "Best keep a closer eye on your pets ron." Hagrid said. "I believe you owe someone an apology," Hermione said. "Right, next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let her know." "I meant me!"

"Guys come on now it's getting dark." You said calming the argument. You walked to the top of the hill with them, but before you got inside Scabbers bit Ron and ran off. "He bit me! Scabbers! Scabbers come back!" Ron begged running after his rat. "Hang on Ron!" You said running with him trying to help. "Ron! (Y/N)!" Hermione and Harry yelled. You caught Scabbers and sat there with Ron for a second while he pet him and fussed at him for running.

"Ron, (Y/N) run!" Harry yelled suddenly. "Harry Hermione run! It's the grim!" You screamed seeing a big black wolf behind them. But to your displeasure the wolf jumped over Harry and Hermione grabbed your arm and dragged you towards the tree. "Harry!" You screamed trying to jerk away from the dog. "Harry!" You screamed again. "(Y/N)!" Ron yelled before throwing a rock at the dog.

The dog let go of your arm and drug Ron under the tree by the leg. "Ron!" You three yelled. Then got hit back from the tree with a large blow. You, Harry and Hermione fell backwards with a distressed grunt. You got up just in time for the tree to go for another swing when you drew your wand quickly, "petrificus totalus!" You called.

The tree froze and for a moment the three of you just sat there still trying to comprehend what was happening. "Ron," you said and the two looked at you. "Lets go." Harry said. You and Hermione nodded. You jumped down the hole under the roots and landed next to Harry. "Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked.

"I have a hunch, I just hope I'm wrong." Harry said leading the way. As you were walking you bumped into the side of the tunnel hurting your arm where the dog had bit you. "Damn it," you said grabbing at it. "(Y/N) your bleeding," Hermione said turning you so she could see your arm. "It's just a scratch." You said trying to keep moving.

"Let me look at it," Hermione asked attempting to roll up your sleeve. "Ouch 'Mione that hurts!" You said when she dragged the cloth over the womb. "Sorry, your bleeding pretty badly, maybe we should get you to the hospital wing-" "wherever Ron is he's in much more pain than me I'm sure." You said ending the conversation and walking past her.

"Come on, we're near the end." Harry said. You reached the end of the tunnel and found a creaky ladder. "Where are we?" You questioned helping Harry move the wood blocking the exit. When it lifted away and the three of you climbed out you realized where you were. "This is the shrieking shack." Hermione said.

You all rushed up the stairs and into a small room. In the corner say Ron holding Scabbers. "Ron!" You three yelled running over. "Harry (Y/N) it's a trap, he's no a dog he's an animagus!" Ron said pointing. You turned and when the door shut there stood Sirius Black.

Hermione jumped in front of you two. "If you want them you'll have to go through us." "Only one will die tonight." Sirius spoke. "Then it'll be you!" You screamed jumping forward and tackling him to the floor along side Harry. You and Harry held him down Wands pointed to his face.

"Are you going to kill me Potter?" He questioned with an evil laugh. "Expeliarmus!" Called someone from the door as yours and Harry's Wands flew from your hand. You turned to see professor Lupin. He nodded his head indicating to get off of him. You and Harry jumped up and went back over to Hermione. "Well Sirius looking rather ragged are we, finally the flesh matches the madness within."

Lupin said towering over Sirius. "You would know about the madness within Remus." Sirius said with a laugh. Then Lupin, lowered him wand? "What the hell!" You gaped at the sight. "No! I trusted you! And after all this time, you've been his friend!" Hermione screamed. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" She yelled again.

"How long have you known?" Remus questioned. "Since professor Snape set the essay." "Well well Hermione you really are one of the brightest witches for your age." "Enough talk Remus let's kill him," "Sirius wait-" "I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! I'm Azkaban!" Sirius yelled. "Fine, kill him but wait one moment three twins have the right to know why-"

"We know why," Harry said. "You betrayed our parents!" You finished his sentence. "No (Y/N) someone did betray your parents but it was someone who until quite recently I believe to be dead." "Who was it then!" Harry yelled. "Peter Petigrue, he's in this room right now! Come out Peter! Come out come out and play!" Sirius yelled.

Then Snape ran in through the door. "Expeliarmus!" Snape said disarming Sirius. "Oh vengeance is sweet how I wished I'd be the one to caught you-" "Severus please-" "I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle-"

The three bickered and yelled. You looked at Harry then nodded. You bent over slowly taking robs wand hiding it from the three fighting, as Harry took Hermiones. "After you," Snape said to Sirius. Then you and Harry raised your Wands. "Expeliarmus!" You yelled casting a spell at Snape as he flew over and landed on what seemed to be an old bed frame.

"(Y/N)!" Ron yelled. "You attacked a teacher!" Hermione gasped. "Tell us about petigrue." Harry demanded. "He was our friend we went to school together," Lupin began. "No, petigrue is dead," you said. "You killed him!" Harry said to Sirius. "I believed so too Harry until you mentioned seeing him on the map-" "the map was lying then!" Harry defended. "He map, never lies, petigrue is alive! And he's right there!"

Sirius said pointing to Ron. "Me, that's mental!" Ron said. "Not you! Your rat!" "Scabbers, he's been in my family for-" "12 years, peculiarly long life for a common rat don't you see?! He's missing a toe isn't he!" "So!" Ron defended. "All they could find of petigrue was his," "finger!" Sirius said. "Show us." You demanded as Sirius took the rat and sat it on the piano as Remus and him began casting spells at it trying to hit it.

The rat jumped through a hole in the wall just as a spell hit it and sure enough, it transformed into a man. "Bloody hell," Ron gasped.

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