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"Three!" Mad eye called as everyone flew away. As soon as you reached the clouds it seemed hundreds of dark cloaked people in masks greeted you. You and Harry began casting spells left and right defending yourselves.

Hagrid swooped down to muggle traffic as a few death eaters followed you. "Hang on!" He yelled as he skidded up riding across he top of a tunnel oh an. Harry hanging by one hand grip on the cart. You basically ran across the top of a double decor bus before Hagrid had a had a chance to return to the air.

A spell hit Hagrid knocking him out. "Hagrid!" You both yelled as you reached over stearing the bike away from the mess of deatheaters.

Suddenly one of the death eaters hit the other with a green spell as he fell from his broom dead. The death eater seems to look around as if checking no one say. You and Harry looked confused, but you smiled at yourself seeing a small lock of blonde hair escape his hood as you flew past.

A few different death eaters followed but you and Harry quickly narrowed the number down to one.

Hedwig and your owl flew around hitting the last death eater, but when they flew around hedwig got hit with a green light. "No!" Harry yelled looke at him sadly. Why hedwig. Your owl flew away as you continue steering the bike from the deatheaters.

You suddenly screamed as did hearty dropping your heads. "(Y/N), Harry," whispered the voice of the dark lord.

You lifted your wand weekly as did Harry as you both sent sparks at Voldemort as he followed you in a dark smoke. The lights connected, fighting furiously.

You two won as Voldemort pulled back with a yell as you grabbed your neck at the scar as Harry did his forehead. The power lines fell around Voldemort as he yelled furiously.

Hagrid woke up pushing you back into the seat as you and Harry held on tight to eachother and the cart as the burrow came into sight.

Draco's POV: 

I flew after the bike trying to be as unseen as possible in a small group of death eaters, flying next to one. I spotted (y/n) steering the bike and new it was her, she had the ring.

I heard the death eater beside me begin to mumble the killin curse and quickly spat out a curse quietly making look as if he was cursed from behind. He fell from the broom and my heart pounded.

I looked to (y/n) and she looked at me confused. A gust of wind blew some of my hair out and she smiled before quickly flying the bike away with Harry next to her and Hagrid knocked out.

Your POV:

Your braced yourself for a rough landing as you skid through the mush near the burrow getting drenched and Hagrid looked at you and sighed as you climbed out.

The three of you ran to the burrow and Molly and Ginny met you. Ginny looked to Harry and as Mrs. Weasley started towards you, you jumped into her arms and Harry smiled thankfully as he ran to Ginny.

You winked at him. "Where are the others?" Molly asked. "Is nobody back yet?" You questioned hearing someone appear.

Lupin carrying George into the house, the side of his face bloody. You ran over taking his other arm leading him inside as he laid on the couch.

You were crouched next to the couch looking at George when a hand grabbed your shirt pulling you up as you yelled 'hey' in protest as Lupin pinned you and Harry to the wall.

"What creature, sat in the corner of my office the first time Harry and (Y/N) came into my office at Hogwarts-" he said wand pointed at the two of you. "Are you mad!" You both yelled. "What creature!?" He yelled.

"Grindilow!" You both yelled. Lupin stood back. "We've been betrayed, they new you were being moved tonight, had to make sure you weren't impostures." He said and you both nodded.

Someone appeared outside and ran out with Lupin. Kingsley. They drew their wands at eachother. "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?" Kingsley questioned Lupin. "(Y/N) and Harry are the best hope we have, trust them." You Harry looked to eachother confused and the two lowered their wands.

Hermione was with him and she ran over hugging you two. Tonks and Ron appeared. "Ron!" Hermione yelled running over hugging him. "Brilliant he was! Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." Tonks smiled hugging Remus. "Really?" Hermione asked. "What's the time of surprise?" Ron smirked at her.

Bill and Fleur appeared unharmed, as well as Mr. Weasley and Fred. "Where's George?" Fred asked. You reached your hand out leading him inside.

He knelt next to him. "How you doin' there Georgie?" Fred smiled. "God like, I'm holy Fred. Get it? Holy." He laughed pointing at his ear.

"Of all of the humor and you chose I'm holy?" Fred smiled. "That's pathetic." You and Fred laughed together and you knelt with Fred as George smiled at you.

"Made eye is dead." Bill announced. You turned to him as Harry did as well. "Mondungous dashed off soon as he went down." You tightened your fist, Fred and George must of noticed cause they both put a hand over yours giving you an assuring smile.

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