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You laughed in the kitchen with Mrs. Weasley in Ginny why you made dinner. "Voldemort is using Draco Malfoy?" You heard and quickly turned. You walked to the room seeing Harry sitting with Mr. Weasley, Lupin, and Tonks as they all quickly turned to you.

"What's this rubbish I heard?" You said crossing your arms. "You know what I'm talking about, have you seen his arm? Have you seen any signs that he's a death eater?" Harry said standing to you. "As a fact I have seen his arm, and he is not a death eater, he was at Borgin and Burks with his Mother." You said sternly.

"See." Lupin said. "But what about Snape?" He asked. "Snape?" You questioned. "Perhaps he's right Remus, to make the unbreakable vow-" tonks began. "It all come down to if Dumbledore judgement, Dumbledore trusts him therefor I do." He said.

"But what if he's wrong?" Harry asked. "You're blinded by hatred!" "No I'm not!" "Yes you are." Lupin said sternly."and as for Draco Malfoy, he most obviously is not working for Voldemort-" Mr. Weasley started.

"But he could just be hiding it!" Harry said. "Do you not even trust your own sister?" Lupin laughed in disbelief. "They've been together for five years anyone would cover up for someone if they'd been together that long!" Hardy yelled turning to you.

You stood shocked. "You really are blinded by hatred." You said walking away. You stormed upstairs to the twins rooms entering and slamming the door behind you with a scream. "You alright there?" Fred said. "I'm fine." You said walking to their window.

Suddenly your owl flew in with a letter. You took it and opened it.

Get out of there now (Y/N) she's on her way I'm coming to get you


You gasped looking out the window when suddenly a black cloud of smoke set a circle of fire around the burrow. You rushed downstairs as the twins failed to stop you, dropping the letter on the way.

You ran to the door standing next to Hardy as Bellatrix appeared then ran through the field. You and Harry quickly ran after her side by side with your wands in your hand.

"I killed Sirius Black!" She yelled as you and Harry pushed after her. "You coming to get me!?" She changed cheerfully making your stomach knot in anger. You got to some water and stopped looking around. Then Ginny came running out. Finrir Greybsck standing there. You recognized him from the wanted posters.

"Truso!" Harry yelled as greyback blocked the spell. They apparated around you in the weeds casting spells. Remus showed up, as did Mr. Weasley and Tonks.

"Play it at their game." You said to yourself as Harry turned to you. You spotted Bellatrix and ran towards her into the weeds. "(Y/N)!" They all yelled after you but you kept going. "Avada Kedavra!" You heard bellatrixs voice as you quickly turned to it casting a counter spell as your wands collided in red and green sparks.

Draco's POV:

I sat around he corner of the living room listening to my mothers conversation with one of the other death eaters. My aunt Bellatrix just flew to the burrow, I sent (Y/N) an owl and I prayed she got it in time.

Knowing her she probably ran right into trouble. "What are we going to do about him?" The man said. "He told you, they broke up-" "rubbish! He's in love with the girl, of all people her!" He hissed. "I believe him." My mother said.

"I saw the girl, I saw the ring, unless she already moved on to someone knew and apparently very wealthy, he's lying to us!" He hissed again. Suddenly one of the other death eaters appeared in there, I heard he sound of them appearing. "The potters followed Bellatrix through the field!" He beamed.

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