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You walked with the trio to the platform the next day. "Don't you see? It was a ritual, an initiation." Harry said to you.

"Stop it Harry, I know where your going with this." Hermione said. You ignored them looking at our feet as you walked. "Don't you get it, it's happened, he's one of them."

"One of what?" Ron asked clueless. "Harry is now under impression that Draco Malfoy is now a death eater." Hermione said. "Your barking, what would You-Know-Who want with someone like Malfoy?"

"Look Draco's father is a death eater, it only makes since, (Y/N) said so herself." Harry said again. "Would you all just shut up." You said quietly. "You know what will happen (Y/N) you can't be around him-" Hardy started. "I said shut up!" You yelled when you reached the wall to the platform.

Everyone seemed to look at you four then turn away. "Draco, would never, hurt me." You said through gritting teeth. "Now I can handle myself now let's see if you can mind your own business." You said so Harry walking through the wall to the platform.

You saw Draco loading his trunk looking around. He caught a glimpse of you and you both began running to each other meeting half way. He picked you up twirling you around in a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" You whispered in his ear. "Yes, but we can't talk about it right now, not here." He whispered back. He sat you down and you kissed him passionately. "Come on let go find a seat." He said leading you onto the train.

Draco was carrying a small black brief case with him. You didn't bother asking about it. You walked down the train finding a seat across from Blaise and Goyle. You all talked for a bit but it was mostly just snipping at other houses.

Draco had just began to sit back down from finding the trolley when suddenly the entire compartment filled with black smoke.

"What was that?" Draco asked looking around. "Fellas?" He asked turning to  the other. "Relax Draco, it's probably just some first years messing around, sit down, we'll be at Hogwarts soon." You said touching his hand snapping him out of his anxious state.

He sat down next to you putting his arm around you kissing your forehead. "Hogwarts, pathetic excuse for a school. Rather pitch myself of the astronomy tower before I have to continue for another two year." "Why do you say that?" Goyle asked stuffing his face.

"Let's just say I don't fancy waiting my time in charms class next year." He said. Blaise chuckled. "Amused Blaise? We'll see who's laughing in the end." Draco said sort of threateningly. Draco looked up to the luggage rack above your seat, causing your attention to shift as well.

You saw a slight movement, very slight but it was there, as if someone has pushed his brief case away some. Harry. You looked at Draco and he smiled at you holding you closer, he knew you had seen it too.

"I'm sorry about your father." You said. "It wasn't your fault." He said quietly. "I really tried to keep Harry from saying anything, I really did." You said trying to justify what happened to him.

It was all true. You didn't want to turn in Lucius. "I know love." He said laying his head on top of yours. "I don't blame you." He said looking at the rack again. You arrived at Hogwarts as everyone left the train. "You guys go on, we'll catch up." Draco said.

He stood walking to the door shutting it, then drawing the blinds on he small window. You closed all the blinds on the cart. Then Draco began talking with his back towards you. You were sitting on one of the tables on the opposite said of where you were.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop Potter, Petrificus Totalus!" He yelled turning casting a spell at Harry. With a loud thud he fell to the ground still covered in the cloak.

Draco walked over moving it looking down at him. "Oh yea, she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin." He growled. You wanted to say something, after all that was your mum too. But Harry dragged Draco into something terrible by turning his father in, so you let him vent out his anger.

Then Draco stomped on Harry's nose. "Thad for my father, next time oh should listen to your sister, and don't worry, I'll actually care for her, enjoy your ride back to London." He said covering him back up with the cloak. Draco reached a arm out as you hopped off the table putting your arm around him walking off the train.

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