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You sat in the Slytherin stands with your friends as the quidditch game was about to begin. The wind was blowing your hair all in your face and it started to annoy you.

You were holding some things and turned to your friend Penelope. "Hold this would you?" She took the items and you bent over pulling your hair up in a messy yet kind of neat bun. You heard a wolf whistle and stood quickly to see Malfoy and his goons. "Pervert." You spat. "Bitch." He spat back.

You rolled your eyes and sat back down. It felt as if every single Slytherin was staring at your scar. You didn't like it and wrapped a scarf around you neck to hide it.

"Madam hootch steps onto the field to begin the game." Lee Jordan announced. Suddenly someone called your name. "(Y/N)," but it sounded like two voices? You looked around and spotted Fred and George at the stairs next to Malfoy. "Come on love," "we got better seats." They finished each others sentence.

You told your friends you'd catch up with them later and ran off with the twins. "Here, wear my scarf instead." Fred insisted and you did. "Thanks." You smiled. You ran up the stairs with George in front of you and Fred behind you and sat next to Hermione and Ron, you leaned back and rested against George's knees and Hagrid was next to them.

"The snitch is released, there go the bludgers!" You sat up watching closely. Then you realized something and turned to the twins.

"Wait, you're the beaters, why are they filling in for you?" "Got into some trouble with Quirrell," "little explosion mishap," "so McGonagall sat us out for this game." They switched turns speaking and you giggled. They sounded like you and Harry.

You turned to the field as the game began you watched your fellow Slytherins cheer and you cheered for your twin and he smiled at you constantly. "Go Harry! Woo!" You yelled for him as did Hermione. "Bloody traitor!" You heard who you were positive was Malfoy yell from the Slytherins stands.

Fred and George seemed to appear by your side instantly looking over at him as his friend snickered. You gripped the rail and bent over to yell back, "Sad Cunt!" Your friends laughed and you could've sworn you heard Hagrid chuckle. "Annoying Prat!" He yelled and you saw McGonagall look around for who said it.

"Pathetic Git!" You yelled back then cheered for Harry to play it off. "Motherless Bitch!" You froze and couldn't bring yourself to turn back to him. Fred and George both put a hand around your waist and pulled you back. But then a wave of anger passed through you and you ran down the steps followed by George and Fred trying to grab you.

You bolted to the Slytherin stands and could see Malfoy walking to meet you at the top of the stairs. You ran up and came face to face with him. "Say it to me face Malfoy." You said quiet but full of hatred. "I said your a motherless-" "don't do it Malfoy!" Fred and George yelled coming up the stairs.

"Bitch!" It seemed as if the entire section went quiet. You stepped forward and drew your wand and he did as well very quickly. Then suddenly Hermione came up the stairs. "(Y/N), he's jinxing Harry's broom!" She yelled to you. You looked at the teachers and saw Snape. "Serpent Sortia." You yelled and cast the spell, the snake appeared in the stands as the teachers scrambled away and Harry took control of his broom again.

"Nice one (Y/N)." George complemented. Suddenly you turned back to Draco and  he looked at you confused. You lowered your wand and he did as well. "Don't call me that, again." You said threatening. You started walking down the steps. "Bitch." He said in a teasing tone. You quickly turned and Fred and George reached for you but missed.

You ran to Draco and he stepped back ready to draw his wand by instead you stood flat in front of him and punched him in the gut. He bent over and when you walked to the stairs he kicked you and you flew down the stairs but George caught you.

You drew your wand at him and he drew his. "He's not worth it!" Hermione said. "Look at Harry!" You looked over at the field, huffed then lowered you wand walking off with the twins.

You reached your seat as Harry went into a nose dive after the snitch. He got to the bottom and stood on his broom reaching for it. Then he fell, and stood looking as if he was going to throw up.

"Looks like he's gonna be sick!" Hagrid said, then Harry coughed up the golden snitch!

"Harry's caught the olden snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Everyone cheered. You looked over at Draco in the stands. He glared at you. 'Bitch' you mouthed and he huffed walking off as you giggled with the twins.

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