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You sat in class the next day with your friends. Draco would glare at you every now and then but you returned the glare gladly each time.

"One of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. Do you have your feathers? Good. Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, the swish and flick."

"Swish and flick." The class chanted. "Good, add annunciate, Wingardian Leviōsa. Off you go then." Everyone began trying to make their feathers fly. "Wingardian Leviosā." Grace chanted.

"Try Leviōsa." You giggled and she did as well.

"Wingardian Leviōsa." You said as you flicked your wrist and your feather flew, only a few moments later Hermione's feather met yours in the air. "Look here everyone, Miss Potter and Miss Granger have done it! Spectacular! Well done girls!" The Professor beamed.

Draco glared at you and you winked at him slyly causing him to blush and look away.


You walked with your friends to the Halloween feast as you dug into the candy and drank your pumpkin juice. You walked over to the Gryffindor table for a moment. "Where's Hermione?" You asked.

"Far as we could tell she won't come out of the girls bathroom, she's apparently been in there all after noon crying." Harry said. "What why!?" You whisper yelled.

"Ron made a comment about her not having any friends and she over heard." Seamus said. You glare at Ron who looked terrified. You huffed and stood walking out of the Great Hall to the girls lavatory.

"'Mione, are you in there?" You called as you heard sniffles. "Who is it?" "It's me 'Mione, (Y/N)." You said in a calm voice. "Oh, I'm fine just go back to the feast." Shencalled over the door. "I won't do that Hermione, just come out, please." You heard the door unlock and she walked out hugging you.

"I'm so sorry Hermione, you know he didn't mean it." "T-Troll." She whispered. You looked over your shoulder to see a huge mountain troll standing there.

You both shuffled into the stall and locked the door. You heard him grunt then the top of the stall crashed as he hit it with a large log like thing he held. You both screamed and fell to the ground.

"Hermione, (Y/N) move!" Called Harry and you two began crawling under the stalls. "Help!" You both yelled. You crawled over to the last stall. Then over and hid under the sinks. With a crash a sink fell and you two screamed. "Harry help us!" You urged.

Harry jumped and grabbed onto the Troll and he lifted him onto his shoulders accidentally, he flung around then Harry stuck his wand up his nose. You all grimaced.

The troll then held Harry in one hand and swung at him with the log in the other. "Do something!" Harry yelled ducking a blow. "What?" Ron asked. "Anything!" Harry yelled and Ron pulled out his wand. "Swish and flick!" You yelled. "Wingardian Leviōsa!" Ron yelled and the trolls weapon flew into the air.

He then let the log fall on the trolls head with a bang. The troll dropped Harry and he quickly crawled out of his way. "Cool." Ron smiled. The troll fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Is it, dead?" Hermione asked. "No, just knocked out." Harry said grabbing the wand and pulling it front the trolls nose.

"Ew! Troll bogeys!" You all grimaced as Harry wiped them off. You and Hermione crawled out from the sinks covered in dust.

Then the professors rushed in. McGonagall gasped. "My goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!" Harry and Ron stuttered with their words.

"It was my fault Professor." Hermione said and you all turned to her confused. "Miss Granger?" "I went looking for the troll, I had read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. Had Harry, Ron and (Y/N) not come looking for me, I'd probably be dead." You all smiled at her.

"I am very disappointed in you miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor, for your serious lack of judgement. " She lowered her head. McGonagall the turned to your three.

"As for you three, well I just hope you realize how fortunate you are, not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll, and live to tell the tale."

"Five points, will be rewarded to each of you." Snape smiled at you. The tree of your shared an excited look. "For sheer dumb luck."


You went to your common room. As you walked in you passed Malfoy who snarled at you almost. "Is it true you lost Slytherin five points!?" He yelled and everyone looked to you.

"No. You blabbering idiot, I GOT five points for beating a damn troll." The tension between you two almost unbearable. "Piss of Potter." "Sod off Malfoy." You said stepping closer your noses almost touching. Then you both huffed and walked to your dorms without a word.

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