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You apparated to hogsmead and a cat alarm went off as snatchers and deatheaters flooded the place. You four hid.

You ran through the snow. Harry holding your hand the entire time sometimes pulling you closer from a noise.

"In here potter." A man with a large bear said opening a door suddenly. You didn't argue and you all filed in.

"He looked like," "Dumbledore." Harry finished your sentence. "You're fools coming here." He said. "You're Abaforth, Dumbledores brother." You said.

You wandered to a mirror on the wall as abaforth argued with Harry. "Look at the two of you, the chosen ones, bloody children!" He said. You turned. "You're right sir, we are children. We're only 17 and yet are the only ones who seem to be trying to do something about Voldemort." You said and everyone got quiet.

"Four children, doing the damn best they can do make a difference." You stated and the other smiled at you. Abaforth shocked. "We don't understand why Dumbledore sent us out to do this, but someone's got to do it. Thank you Mr. Dumbledore, trust thank you for what you've done, but we've been through are fair share of people not believing in us."

Harry walked over putting an arm around you smiling. "Thank you Mr. Dumbledore." You and Harry said. The portrait of Arianna began to come back. "There's someone with her." Hermione said.

"Who is that?" You questioned and jumped back when the painting began to move like a door. Then smiled appeared on all your faces when Neville showed up from behind it.

"Neville!" You all beamed and you hugged him quickly. "Boy won't the lot be happy to see you." He beamed. He explained everything as he led you through the tunnel.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" He smiled at the end. He moved the painting. "Cheer up you lot! I brought you something." He smiled and moved aside as Harry stepped up.

"Harry!" They all cheered. "How do I get to Slytherin?" You asked Neville. "You don't. Listen (Y/N) in the turn about with snape being the headmaster and everything Slytherin is kissing his rings lately, you can't trust them." He said shyly.

"Are you mental?" You asked quietly. "Have they lost their minds?" You asked with a disbelieving laugh just realizing what he was telling you.

"Slytherin has turned to the dark side, right?" You asked again as the conversation with Harry and the gryffindors faded. "Yes (y/n)." He said.

Harry turned back to you. "(Y/N) the second they see your face they'll tell snape as long as it means staying on his good side." Harry said as you met him at the bottom of the ladder. He spoke quietly as to not put you on the spot in front of everyone.

"You're going to have to stay here. Be patient." He said hugging you. "You know I'm not one for patience." You joked and he laughed with you.

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