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"Wake up you bloody love birds!" Goyle  screamed and you sat up quickly gasping as Draco rolled off of you with a groan and going back to sleep. "Goyle would you shut the hell up and let me sleep!" Draco groaned then rolled over and blushed when he looked at you remembering last night.

"Okay, she is our friend but your father wouldn't be happy to see you sleeping with her, when we told him we were getting a friend last night he didn't realize you meant the (Y/N) Potter." You blushed and looked down. "Okay first of all bird brain we didn't sleep together, he just couldn't sleep."

Draco sat up with a smile and ran his hand through his hair. "Wouldn't have minded that though." He joked and you pushed him off the bed. He then hopped back in the bed tickling you and then Goyle helped him as you squealed giggling then Crabbe started to throw pillows.

"Stop stop stop!" You giggled trying to catch your breath. They finally stopped and you lay there laughing like crazy as they laughed with you. "Come on we'll get out so you can get dressed." Draco said as they started to step out. "It's okay I'll go in the bathroom." They agreed and you made them all face a wall as you walked into the room.

You slid on your clothes and walked back out to where they were. "We need to get her some food, they've been starving her like a bloody animal." Draco said walking over and taking your hand guiding you to the door. "Come on." He said to the others and they took you down stairs.

"Ah, good morning boys, (y/N)." The blonde main smiled and you smiled back and followed them to the kitchen where three house elves were cooking. "Dobby!" You whisper yelled and the elf turned to you. "Nice to meet you miss Potter." He said in a tone where you guessed you weren't suppose to know him.

"Yes, nice to meet you." You hissed and walked to the table with the boys. "So we need to go get our school supplies, have you gotten your letter?" Draco asked and you nodded no. "Haven't been allowed to let my owl out." You explained taking another bite of your food. " ah, here comes your owl Draco."

Crabbe said as a big black eagle owl flew in an open window with four letters. "Guess Dumbledore knows your here (Y/N)," he smiled handing you your letter. "The entire Gilderoy Lockheart series?" You asked reading the long list of school books. "Yeah, probably the new defense against the dark arts teacher."

Crabbe added. "Father, can we get out supplies today?" Draco asked and the man walked by the door. "You all can get ready and go ahead and go, I'll drop you off then pick you up around three." He smiled before walking off. "Come on." Draco smile and you raced him up the stairs to his room.

You put on some black tights under your uniform due to your ass causing it to be a bit shorter this year. You put on some small black combat boots and slid your robe on before walking out of the bathroom. "Damn, tights add a nice touch." Draco said and the other two turned and smiled with a wolf whistle.

"Shut up." You giggled going to grab your money but were interrupted by someone shutting your trunk in your face. "What the-" "your not paying, you've been locked up in your room all summer I'm paying." Draco said looking at you with caring eyes and you shoved him away jokingly and he giggled. He shoved you back and you tripped and fell in a corner laughing with them.

You crossed your arms on your knees and pretending to cry. Draco extended a hand to you. "But you hate half bloods Malfoy." He giggled at you. "Apparently not all of them." He smiled and you took his hand giggling with him. "I don't get it." Goyle said confused and you and Draco giggled.

"Dad we're ready." Draco yelled downstairs as you ran down behind him. "Alright come here all of you, quickly." He said as he took you to Diagon Alley. "Okay, I'll be here around three." He said then apparated away again. "Goyle and I will go to get new robes, ours don't fit so well anymore."

Crabbe suggested and you walked off with Draco down towards Flourish and Blotts. "Woah, what's with the crowd?" You asked looking at the lines of ladies. "Look it's the Weasleys!" You beamed running in dragging Draco behind you but he stopped you and turned you towards him. "Hey, I'll wait upstairs okay?"

"Are you sure?" You asked and he smiled as you ran up to the Weasleys. "Fred, George!" You beamed and they turned hugging you. "Bloody hell, we thought we'd lost you," "we saw Goyle take you away," "but he was with Lucius!" They took turns saying confused.

"It's okay guys." You smiled and turned to see the blonde man walk up behind a desk. "My god, its Harry and (Y/N) Potter." The man said and you and Harry stared wide eyed at the man. "(Y/N), Harry, over here!" The man from the daily prophet yelled pushing you up to Lockhart .

"Smile you two, together we're worth the front page." He said and you instinctively turned quickly hiding your face and Harry gave an awkward look to the camera. You hugged and jerked away from the man looking up to meet eyes with Draco. He smiled at you and you frowned pushing through the crowd followed by the others.

Draco met you and you stood behind Harry and the Weasley's. "Bet you enjoyed that ay Potter? Famous Harry Potter, can't even go to a book store without getting all the attention." He huffed. You frowned and pushed through to the front. "Draco, come on, we should go." He smiled at you.

"Yeah, at least you try to hide from the publicity, he just runs to it." He said glaring at Harry. Then suddenly a silver snake head latched onto Draco's shoulder. "Now Draco play nicely, ah Mr. Potter, I'm afraid I've only had the pleasure in meeting your sister." He said looking at Harry and it gave you an unsteady feeling.

"Forgive me," he said pulling Harry's hair away looking at his scar. "Your scars are legendary, as is the wizard who gave you them." "Voldemort killed our parents," Harry huffed and Lucius stepped back. "He was nothing more than a murderer." "You must be very brave to say his name, or very foolish."

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione spoke up. "'Mione please," you said and she nodded getting your message. "And you must be, miss Grandger?" Lucius asked and you both nodded. "Yes I've heard all about you, and your parents. Muggles, how disappointing."

Suddenly Mr. Weasley came up behind everyone. "It's crowded in here children, lets go outside." "Hello Arthur," "Lucius." You looked to Harry who eyed the man with hate. "You and I have a very different opinion on what disgraces the name of wizard, Lucius." "Clearly, Come Draco, (Y/N)." As he said your name everyone turned to you.

"You can't be serious!?" Harry hissed. "Harry I was going to tell you but-" "but what!? Didn't want me to know you were staying with my arch enemy!?" You sighed and Draco put a hand around your waist. "Easy Potter," Draco said calmly. "(Y/N) your going to have to choose, it's us," Harry said pointing to all the Weasley's and him.

"Or him." He hissed and Fred put a hand on his shoulder. "Harry don't make her-" "she has to! She needs to decide!" Harry hissed. "Harry I-" "(Y/N) we should go." Draco said and his voice calmed you down. You smiled at Draco then turned to back to Harry with hurt eyes. "I'm sorry, but for you to make me choose doesn't show you care that much, bye Harry."

You said calmly and walked out with Draco. As you got to the door Draco turned back to the Weasley's and Harry. "See you at school, Idiots." You never looked back to them.

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