Gringotts pt. 2

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You were riding through the tunnels towards bellatrixs vault. "What is that!?" Harry gasped. A giant waterfall in the middle of the tracks.

"Griphook!" You yelled at your went trough it and were soaked. Suddenly the cart stopped. "Harry-" you started turning to him when you all dropped. Everyone yelling.

"Arresto Momentum!" Hermione called stopping everyone as you all plopped down on the rocks. "Thieves downfall, washes away all enchantments, could be deadly." Griphook said. "Ya don't say?" Ron snapped.

"What the devil are you doing down here!? Thieves!" "Oh shut it, Imperio!" You snapped at him. "I think that waterfalls gone to your brain." Harry said.

You snapped him a look. "Out of curiosity is there any other way out of here?" "No." Griphook answered you. "And you wonder why I'm upset." You said to Harry. Griphook led you to bellatrixs vault. Picking up a metal bell like thing and shaking it.

A dragon. "Holy shit." You said looking at it. It coward back at the noise. "It's been trained to expect pain." Griphook said. "That's barbaric." Hermione said.

He let you into the vault using the other goblins hand. "Accio horcrux." Hermione said. "You weren't seriously gonna try that again." Ron said. "Doubt it would work in here anyway." Griphook said.

You and Harry walked side by side in first. Si ha sa she siya. You heard ringing in your ears as yours and Harry's eyes locked on a cup. Hermione gasped. "Gimino curse, anything you touch multiplies!" Griphook said.

"Give me the sword!" Harry called as Tre room began to fill. You took of climbing across the shelves towards it as Harry stumbled through the gold. You reached the top. "Harry!" You called as he passed you the sword.

"Stop moving!" Hermione yelled to Ron and Harry and you crawled through to the top hooking it with the sword sitting still.

Everything stopped for a second. "Harry, get ready to run." You said. "Got it, 'mione, Ron?" He said and they nodded slowly. "Ready?" You asked. "Yep." They all answered as you quickly burst out from under the gold and silver and burst towards the door. You dropped the cup and Griphook picked it up.

"We had a deal Griphook!" You yelled. "The cup for the sword!" You gave him the sword as he gave you the cup. "I said I'd get you in, I didn't say anything about getting you out." He smirked as he opened the door leaving you.

"Griphook!" You yelled after him. You crawled out of the vault chasing after him. "Avada kedavra!" You castes after him but he dodged it. "Did you just try to kill him!?" Harry snapped at you grabbing your arm. "He's going to die either way rather die and us have he sword." You snapped back.

Guards started casting spells at you. "What are we going to do now?" Ron yelled. "I have an idea," you and Hermione said at the same time. "Brilliant what is it!?" Harry yelled at you two. "It's mad!" Hermione yelled. And looked at you. You nodded and turned around the corner. "Reducto!" You casted as the bars broke.

"You first." Hermione said. "Are you mental?" You asked and she looked at you back pleadingly. "Fine." You said. You ran back down the hall to get a run and go, and ran as fast as you could jumping from the rail onto the dragon.

"Well come on then!" You yelled at the rest of them as Hermione jumped after you, followed by Harry and Ron."reducto!" Hermione cast freeing the dragon. It spat fire at the guards before it started climbing the walls. "Hang on!" Harry yelled grabbing your hand from instinct.

The dragon crawled up to a small spot of light and burst out the top of gringotts. Everyone screamed and ran away as it burst out the glass dome. It stopped for a second to take a breath of air, as you guessed the first in a very long time. "Reducto."  Hermione said as the dragon flew away.


"Were dropping!" Harry yelled. "I think we should jump!" Ron yelled. "When!?" You called. "Now!" Hermione called as you all dropped into the water Harry holding your hand still.

As you hit you got a vision. Hogwarts. Griphook dead. Voldemort. The cup. Rowena ravenclaw. 

You had stayed under the water longer than you thought, you could faintly hear Harry calling for you. He wasn't losing your hand anymore.

You started up and gasped for air. "(Y/N)!" He yelled released swimming to you. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I saw it too." You said. "I know, but were okay, alright? Come on." He said as you all swam to shore.

"He knows, he knows we're hunting horcruxs." You said. "What? How do you know?" Hermione asked. "We saw it." Harry said. "You let him in? Harry, (Y/N) you can't keep doing that!?" Hermione said. "We can't help it Hermione, or maybe we can we don't know." You both said together.

Harry and Ron began to change. "Hermione hold this." To said pulling a blanket from her bag as she held it and you changed behind it. The light hitting you slightly showing your siloet through it.

"It's at the castle." You said changing too. "It had something to with raven claw." Harry said. You had completely stripped now and were pulling clothes from the bag and tossing them to the boys too.

Ron had seemed to notice you could kind of see through the sheet, when Harry caught him staring he hit him with a jinx in the stomach.

Hermione laughed. " 'mione your turn." You said grabbing the blanket allowing her to change.

Ron blushed the entire time.

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