3rd Floor

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You watched as Malfoy bent down and picked up Nevilles remembrall. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump have given this a squeeze, he'd remembered to fall on his fat ass." The Slytherins giggled including you shamefully.

"Give it here Malfoy." Harry piped up and you stepped forward and he backed up a bit. Malfoy turned to him. "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for longbottom to find." He tossed the ball and caught it mounting his broom. "How bout on the roof?" He said flying into the air.

"Come on Potter, play a game of catch?" He asked smiling at you and you giggled mounting your broom. Harry grabbed the end quickly. "You're joking?" He hissed. You looked at Draco and he made a quick eyebrow raised and you giggled and flew up to him.

"Go far love." He smiled at you. You flew towards a tower quickly as he tossed it to you, then you tossed it back to him. "What's the matter Potter, bit beyond your reach?" He asked Harry. Harry mounted his room and flew up to Malfoy. "Go back down (Y/N)! give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" He threatened.

Malfoy tossed the ball in the air and caught I repeatedly. "Is that so?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Harry flew at him but he turned in a spiral spin and turned back to look at him. "Have it your way then." He threw the ball over the castle and you flew back down to your friends with him.

You never spoke much but sometimes you'd have some fun together. Harry came back with the remembrall then Professor McGonagall came into the field. "Potter!" You turned to face her. "Yes?" You and Harry said simultaneously. "Harry Potter, dear." She said to you and you smirked. "Follow me." He followed her through the castle.

You turned to your friends and heard Hermione say something. "I knew she was bad news." She said to Ron. "Really Hermione, say it to my face would ya?" You asked annoyed and she looked down embarrassed as the Slytherins cooed. "Come on guys were gonna be late for our next class." You said to your friends and you walked off to he castle, not noticing Malfoy watching every step you took.


You were at dinner that night and heard that Harry was the new Gryffindor seeker. "Seeker?" You asked concerned and your friends nodded trying to calm you down. "What if he gets hurt?" "Who cares, I'd laugh if he did." Malfoy spat and you glared at him. "Shut it ferret." He frowned and his goons tried to muffle giggles.

"He'll be fine (Y/N), it's in his blood." "Our blood?" You asked and they lead you out of the Great hall and to a trophy room.

They showed you a picture of the Gryffindor quidditch team. They pointed out a man with glasses in the front. "That's your dad." Grace said smiling. You looked at the picture closely. "He was team seeker too?" You asked.

"Yep, a great one too, your mom was best team keeper recorded for a girl as well." They all smiled. "I had no idea." You smiled.


You walked back to the common room and ran into Malfoy and his gang on the way. "Oh look it's the saint Potter again." He snickered.

"You're a git Malfoy, one minute you'll be my friend the other you're a complete arse, make up your mind you prat." You said bitterly walking into the girl's dorms. "Sod off you half-blood." He spat from behind you. You rolled your eyes. "I'd say it was nice speaking to you, but I would've rather been cursed by Snape." Your friends giggled and Crabbe and Goyle couldn't help but laugh as well.

"I'm gonna run and check on something real quick girls, I'll see you later." You walked back to the Great Hall and sat next to Harry. "Hermione, I'm sorry for what I said to you. Harry, I shouldn't have done that with Draco either, it was wrong of me and I knew better. And Ron, I don't think I did anything to you but in case your mad I'm sorry."

The Gryffindor table looked at you shocked in silence. "It's okay, I forgive you." Harry said and hugged you. "I do as well." "Me too." Ron and Hermione said. You walked up the stairs with the trio just so you didn't have to leave Harry yet. You were on a stair case when suddenly it moved. "What's happening?" You asked. "The stair cases change remember?" Hermione asked.

It fixed on a small door and you all ran to it. "Come on, before the stair cases change again. You walked in the door and it was pitch dark. It gave you the creeps. "Does any body feel like, we should be here?" Harry asked. "We're not suppose to be here, this is the third floor, it's forbidden." You explained.

Then suddenly a fire lit as Misses Norris, filches cat, walked in the door. You jerked back to the group. "It's filches cat!" You yelled. "Run." Ron suggested and for made a dead sprint down the corridor, as fires lit with every pillar you passed. At the end was a door. "Quick, lets hide through that door." Harry said. He jerked on the door, then Ron tried.

"It's locked! That's it, were done for." He said. "Oh move over." Hermione hissed and drew her wand. "Alohomora." The door opened. You all crawled in shutting the door behind you. "Alohomora?" Ron asked. "Standard book of spells, chapter seven." Hermione said back.

They peeked through a small crack. You and Harry turned to look around, and froze. "Filch is gone." "But the door is locked." Ron said confused. "I was locked." Hermione said. "And for good reason." You said as they turned seeing the same thing as the two of you.

"Bloody hell," Ron whimpered.

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