I Must Not Tell Lies

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"I can't believe she gave me detention for answering her question." You huffed walking to her room with Harry. "Yeah sorry for dragging you into that." He said knocking on her door.

"Come in." You opened the door sing the room had been painted pink, with picture of kittens everywhere. "You two are going to be doing some lines for me today." You and Harry went to get your quills. "You won't need quills, you will be issuing my special ones."

She said as you two sat down in the two desks. "What do you want us to write?" You asked. "How about, I Must Not Tell Lies." You but your tongue from protesting. "How many times?" Harry asked. "As long as it takes, for the message to sink in." She said.

"You haven't given us any ink." You stated. "You wont be needing any." She said. You and Harry shared a glance before you both began writing.

I Must Not Tell Lie. You wrote down in your parchment.  I am not lying. You thought to yourself. "Ah," you heard Harry. You looked over to see his hand getting really red. "Ow," you said looking at your hand quickly.

Your eyes widened In shock seeing your own hand writing carve across your other hand. You and Harry looked at Umbridge in horror and hate.

"Something to say?" "Nothing." You both huffed. "Exactly, because deep down you know you deserve to be punished." She chirped.


You burst out of the class room walking quickly with Harry. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." You scolded. "Sorry." You said for our temper. "Don't be." He said. You and him parted ways going to he Slytherin common room.

You walked in seeing Draco on the couch, but kept walking to your room.

Draco's POV:

I waited for (y/n) to return from Umbridges office. I heard the door open and turned seeing her. I stood so she saw me, but even though she made obviously saw me she kept walking, clutching her hand in the other.

"(Y/N)," I called after her, then she started running down the girl's hall. "Fucking hell." I swore chasing after her. She was hurt and I knew it, she only tried hiding from me if she was hurt.

I caught up to her as she was about to shut the door to he bedroom. "(Y/N) let me in." I said pushing through the door." She turned jogging to the other side of the room to a mirror sanding in front of it.

"(Y/N) what happened?" I questioned now really worried. "I'm not lying. I'm not lying." I heard her repeating through tears. "Love please," I said worried turning her around seeing her hand.

One hand with I must not tell lies on it and the other red from the blood. "What did she do to you?" You said drawing my wand attempting to heal her hand.

"It's a curse Draco you can't fix it." She said taking her hand from me. "I can try-" "I did it doesn't work!" She yelled. "I'm not lying." She cried again. "I know your not lying love look at me." I asked cupping her face in my hands wiping her tears.

"I hate it so much when you cry." I whispers continuing to wipe her face. "Let me try to make it stop, please?" I asked her. She looked up to me and nodded. "Reparifors." I said gently tapping her hand with my wand.

She winced but the blood made its way back into the cut and it immediately began to heal. "How did you-" "I looked up on some simple healing charms after the tournament last year." I said looking at her hand. "Thank you Draco." She said wrapping her arms around my neck hugging me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her close. "Listen," I said as she looked to me. "Umbridge has this inquisitorial squad for extra credit, but besides the credit, you're a Slytherin and never actually had some real fun teasing anyone." I joked putting my hands on her shoulders. "Join the squad with me, if anything just to get on Umbridge she good side, an who know perhaps it'll be fun."

I said pushing her hair from her face. "I actually like the sound of that, Smellfoy." She said cocking an eyebrow. "Come on you half-blood, you need some rest." I laughed with her giving her one of my shirts and having her crawl in bed with me.

I wrapped my arms around her holding her on my chest, her head laying near my heart. I kissed her head. "I love you (Y/N)." I said softly. "I love you too Draco." Though she's said it before, her words put butterfly's in my stomach.

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