Eight Potters

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You stood with sat across from Harry on the floor of the empty living room. Staring blankly at your owls who booked at each other playfully.

"What are to going to do," Harry said as you looked to him. "About Draco?" He asked not looking at you.

"Hope." You said coldly. "For what?" "A second chance." You said again. "What are you going to do about Ginny?" You asked and he smirked.

"Nothing for now." "That's where you're going wrong mate." You laughed together. Your heads snapped o the door hearing a knock as oh both quickly stood drawing your wands.

You rounded the corner with you wand to the door, you swished our wand and the door flung open. "Hagrid!" You both beamed jumping forward hugging him.

"Ron! 'Mione!" You said together hugging them. "You're both looking fit!" Hagrids beamed. "Yes they're absolutely gorgeous, say we get em under cover before someone murders them." Moody grumbled walking past you.

"Kingsley I thought you were looking after the prime minister?" You said together again. "You two are more important." He smiled. "Fred! George!" You beamed hugging them.

"Hello Harry, (Y/N), Bill Weasley." A tall red head said extending a hand. You smiled accepting it. "Fleur." You smiled hugging her. "He's not always this handsome." Fred said playfully, Bill had three large scratches across his face. "Yea, fought off a werewolf." He said. "She can say the same!" Harry laughed. You pulled down your shirt just bellow your collar bone exposing the marks laughing.

"Don't forget guys bill takes his steaks on the raw side now." Lupin smiled walking in with tonks. "My husband the joker, by the way, wait till you hear the news, Remus and I are-" tonks began but was interrupted by moody.

"There will be time for a cozy catch up later, right now we need to get the hell out of here!" He said.

"Potters your underage, you two still have the trace on ya." "What's the trace?" You said together again. "A tracker the ministry has on wizards to see who breaks their precious rules, point is we have to use magic they can't detect, we'll go in pairs, that way in case there's someone out there waiting for us which I recon there will be, they won't know which (y/n) or Harry Potter is the real one." He smiled.

"The real one?" You said together again. Moody pulled out two small bottles of polyjuice potions. "I believe you are familiar with this particular brew?" "No! Absolutely not!" You said together.

"Told you they'd take it well." Hermione said sarcastically. "No if you think we're going to let everyone risk their lives just for us," "never done that before have we?" Ron asked sarcastically. "No this is different! Taking that becoming us, no!" You both said.

"Trust is neither of us fancy it mate." George said. "Yea imagine something went wrong and we ended up as you screwy specky gits forever." Fred said jokingly. "Everyone here is of age you two, they're all willing o take the risk." Moody smirked.

"Mondungous Fletcher Mr. And Miss Potter, it's a pleasure." Said a short fello from the back. "Zip it Mondungous!" Moody snapped. "Alright Granger, as discussed." Maddy said.

Suddenly Hermione pulled hair from you and Harry both. The two of you in unison reached to the spot saying, "Blimey Hermione!" As she walked over dropping the hairs in the different vials. "And stop with the talking together, makes me feel like I'm hearing doubles." He smirked. "Sorry." You said together again.

He mixed the potions. "For those of you who haven't taken polyjuice potion before, fair warning, tastes like goblins piss." "Have a lot of experience with that have you made eye?" Fred joked. "Just trying to diffuse the tension." He said taking a sip of Harry's. Mondungous, Fred and George turned into Harry. Fleur, Ron and Hermione turned into you.

"Wow, were identical!" Fred and George laughed. Hermione giggled. "Funny, I always wanted your hair." She laughed playing with it. "I don't like this at all." Ron laughed. "How do you deal with being this short?" He joked again.

Moody dumped out a large bag of clothes. 8 pairs of jeans, 4 girls and 4 boys, 8 shirts, 4 in your style 4 in Harry's, and 8 jackets, 4 for the you's and 4 for the Harry's.

"(Y/N)s upstairs, don't get too happy Ron." Moody joked as you all grabbed your clothes going upstairs. You ran upstairs to your empty room. "Which one is Ron your laughed. "Here." He laughed. "You can go into Dudleys room, just don't look in any mirrors please." You laughed. "Fine, but what am I suppose to do about, this?" He asked motioning to his chest as all the girls laughed.

"Here." You laughed opening your trunk throwing him a bra. "You l ow how to use one right?" Hermione laughed. At least you think it was Hermione, sounded like her at least. "Yes you prat." He laughed leaving.

The three of you changed then you went to find Ron, of course struggling with the bra. "Don't come in I'm not dressed!" He mocked. You walked over to him. "Look up." You laughed. "Why?" "Cause I don't want you seeing me undressed." You laughed clipping the bra and pulling on the jeans and shirt. "Yea Draco wouldn't like that would he?" He teased.

"There come on." You laughed as you all ran downstairs. "Alright we'll be heading out, each cover will have a protector. "Mondungous, stick tight to me I wanna keep an eye on ya. As for Harry and (Y/N)-" "yes?" All eight said at once. "The real Harry and (y/n) where the devil are you two anyway?"

"Here." You both said stepping forward. "You'll both be going with Hagrid." "I brought you two here sixteen years ago, when you were no bigger than a botruckle, it only seems right i take ya out." He smiled. "Yes very touching let's go!" He yelled.

"Head for the burrows! On the count of three!" He yelled. You were sitting on a side set of Hagrids bike squeezed right next to Harry. "One! Two! Three!" Moody yelled as everyone took off.

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