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You walked into the tent as you let Fawks fly around. You looked around and smiled at the scene. It was beautiful. Fleurs dress was gorgeous, and the way they looked at eachother said it all.

You walked around to Hermione and Ginny and began talking when suddenly the dark owl you know as Draco's landed outside the tent just within sight. Your eyes widened and you ran to it taking the note quickly sending it off.

You had already got a letter from Draco this morning, all lovey dovey and the fact he sent another scared you. You heard Hermione and Ginny behind you. "What is it?" Hermione asked as you opened it.

(Y/N) they are coming, I'm at the manor but they're coming, they've infiltrated the ministry and they're coming for you get out of there now please for he love of God he safe love

As you finished reading you heard a noise in the tent and ran to it. A patronus message from Kingsley. "They are coming, they are coming." It whispered. Hermione grabbed her bag as deatheaters appeared casting cursed.  You stood shocked at the note before setting it to ashes so no one would read it.

You were hit with a curse and wet flying on top of a table. You looked up seeing another death eater staring at you. "Potter!" Tonks yelled running to you front the other side of the tent as the order were fighting others. Ron Hermione and Harry trying to get to you.

You lifted your wand getting off the table as the death eaters wand and yours connected in a fiery fight. The blue living from yours quickly overthrew his as he went flying across the tent and you ran grabbing Hermiones hand before appearing in a busy street backing away from a bus and onto the concrete.

"Where are we?" You asked. "Shucksberry Avenue, I use to come to the theatre here with mum and Dad." She said walking. "Nice job with that deatheaters by the way." Ron said and it reminded you of the note.

"Draco, Draco I have to go get him-" you said and they turned to you. "You still have the trace on you-" "The trace is broke when they turn 17 it's a rule." Ron said. "We didn't get to celebrate your birthday!" Hermiones whined. "I have to go." You said stepping back. "Where can I find you guys?" You asked.

"(Y/N) for bloody sake." Hermione said dragging you into an alley with the others. "Your hurt." She said looking at your waist. "Blast it Hermione where are we!" You yelled. "Your waist-" "it's just a scratch from the glass on the table now where are we again?"

"Go to the meeting place of the order." Harry said as they turned to him. "Go." Harry said assuringly and you apparated away to the manor.

You apparated to his bedroom seeing Draco jerk around with a picture in his hand.

"Oh thank Christ!" He beamed running over hugging you. "Your waist, what happened!?" He said scared. "Guess, I'll give you three tries." You said sarcastically. "Let me," he said lifting the side of your dress to see the scratch. "There's still some glass in there." He said drawing his wand before healing it.

"Listen be quiet, Wormtail is downstairs." He said locking his door. He put a hand on your back leading you to his bed sitting you down. "Tell me what's been going on." You said as he sat next to you. "I can't (Y/N) I can't do this." He said as he started to cry and you sat back allowing him to curl up in your arms.

"The people, he killed so many people right in front of me it's killing me." He cried. "Shhh shhh." You said holding tears yourself. "And every time there's a meeting they talk about killing you and Harry and every time it takes everything in me not to just kill them." He said through gritted teeth grabbing your dress holding it with a death grip in his hands.

"Draco I'm fine-" "no your not fine. They're gonna get to you this can't end well." He cried. "I told my dad I was going to Crabbes so he wouldn't come into my room looking for me when they came back." He sniffed.

"Then come on let's get out of here." You said. "Who's there!" You heard a hiss from the door. Wormtail. "He doesn't know I'm here either!" Draco's whisper yelled at you. As the door began to unlock you instinctly grabbed Draco apparating to the head quarters.

"(Y/N)?" You heard a sheepish voice before the others rounded he corner seeing you and Draco. "You weren't suppose to fucking bring him here!" Harry yelled with a half smile as if he was amused and the others laughed. "I swear they're connected at the hip." Ron said and the tree laughed.

"Malfoy, are you alright?" Hardy then said and Draco sniffed standing straight pushing the tears back into his eyes locking them tight as he always had to. "Of course I am Potter." He spat and he glared at Harry as Harry glared back. Then their glared broke into a warm smile. "Thank you for not hating me." Draco said reaching a hand out to Harry.

You Ron and Hermione stood jaws dropped at he scene. "Thank you for taking care of her." Harry said shaking his hand. "I wish I could express how terrible I feel, about the astronomy tower that night." He said to Harry. "If for a second I could have prevented it I would have I cannot express that to you enough." Draco said.

"I understand Malfoy." Harry smiled. "It was always Snape In the end." Harry said with anger at the thought. "When do you suspect you need to get back?" You questioned. "Not till tomorrow." He stated putting an arm around you.

"I guess I should be going though, probably stay at he leaky cauldron-" "No you are not." You laughed. "You're staying here, where I know I'm not going to loose you." You said holding him tight. "You'll never loose me." He said kissing your forehead. "Sure makes a guy feel bad about his love life."

Harry said and you all laughed. "Well if you'd bloody ask her out!" You laughed as you all walked off laughing at Harry.

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