Give Them To Me

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You were sitting with Luna and Cho talking. "I'm sorry this is how you had to find out about Slytherin, I do believe after seeing you, they'll come around." Luna said in her reassuring sweet voice.

Just then a booming echo rang through the speakers. "All houses report to great hall immediately." Boomed the voice. "Who was that?" You and Harry's asked. "The Carols." Cho said.


You walked inside the gryffindor house wearing a Slytherin robe. "That's t Slytherins in front of us, be careful (y/n), please." Harry said squeezing your hand before you quickly pushed out of the gryffindors and hid in the back line of Slytherins with your hood up and head down.

They marched almost into the hall and filed into lines. You kept your head down when some Slytherin first years mumbled about who you were.

"I'm sure you are all wondering why I summoned you here at this time of night." Snape said and your spine tingled with anger. "I've been notified that earlier this evening, (Y/N) and Harry Potter were spotted in hogsmead." The hall burst into whispers as the two first years looked to you wide eyed.

You put a finger to your lips and their faces seemed to lighten up with relief and it warmed your heart. "Stay safe." You whispered to them and they nodded. "Should anyone of you have any information regarding Mr. Potters where abouts, and Fail to come forward, you will be treated, equally guilty."

He said and the whispers died. You turned and met eyes with Harry and he nodded. "If anyone has any information they wish to present, I implore you to step forward." He said.

"Now." He commanded again. You and Harry nodded again as you both stepped out of the crowd dropping your hoods. The houses gasped and some held back cheers. "It seems that, despite your intricate attempts, you still have a bit of a security issue headmaster."

You both said together and snape seemed stone cold. The order came through the doors. "How dare you stand where he stood." Harry said. "Tell them, how you looked him in the eyes! A man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them how it happened!" You both yelled as he drew his wand and the houses gasped stepping back.

McGonagal stepped up in front of he two of you. They froze for a second. Then McGonagal began casting spells at Snape left and right as Snape deflected them. He apparated away as everyone cheered and McGonagal lit the candles of the hall again. Everyone cheered and the gryffindors ran forward hugging you and Harry.

You grabbed Harry's hand as you both fell weakly on the stairs. The ceiling turned stormy as the room was filled with an evil since of spirit. Then a first year girl screamed. You quickly walked to her vending on one knee and holding her as she did.

Then Padma Patil screamed and Harry walked to her. "Ahhh!" You screamed falling against the wall clutching your neck.

Harry ran to you as the first year girl ran off and Harry fell next to you grabbing his scar.

I know that many of you want to fight. Some of you may even think that the fight is wide, but this is folly. Give me the Potters, do this and none shall be harmed. Give me the Potters, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me the Potters, and you shall be rewarded. You have one hour.

Voldemorts voice rang through everyone's ears as the lights relit and everyone steepled away from you and Harry silently. "What are you waiting for!" Pansy squealed. "Someone grab them!" She said pointing to you two. Harry shielded you from them but you pushed forward walking straight to Pansy as all the Slytherin house seemed shocked.

You stepped right in front of her as Crabbe and Blaise stood beside her. "Go on then." You said. No one moved. "Go on!" You yelled and no one moved. You stepped back. "Thought so." You finished as Harry smiled at you.

Mr. Filch came prancing through the hall yelling about students out of bed. "They're suppose to be out of bed you blubbering idiot!" McGonagal said. "Sorry ma'am." He said.

"As it just so happens Mr. Filch your arrival is most opportune, if you would please escort Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house, from he hall." She said.

"And where would I be taking them to ma'am?" "The dungeons would be fine." She sad as they started out, you stood angry watching them. Some spat of how you were a disgrace again, but Blaise grabbed your arm and everyone tended up as he pulled you close to him.

"Be careful (y/n)." He said before leaving.

"I assume you have a reason for returning Potters what is it you need?" McGonagall asked.

"Time, professor as mum as you can get." You said. "Do what you have to do, I'll secure the castle." She said and you turned to go away. "Oh and Potter, it's good to see you two again." She smiled.

"Good to see you too professor." You both smiled running from the hall. Everyone was frantic running through the castle. The teachers cast enchantments as they covered the castle like a blue blanket. The statues from the walls came to life guarding the bridges, and sheamus planned on how to blow up the other.

You ran through the hall with Harry then stopped and he turned to you. "Draco," you said and he looked past you then back to you. "Okay hurry, be safe please whatever yo do." He said hugging you as you split ways.

You ran outside and watched as the deatheaters began casting spells at the castle breaking the barrier. Giants came crashing through he statues and your attention shifted seeing the other bridge crumble. "Potter!" McGonagal yelled grabbing yo as a deatheaters came at you.

"Get inside!" She yelled and o began running. Room of requirements. The thought pinged through your head and you ran that way. You reached the stairs casting a spell at an overhead deatheater.

You reached the room and stood in front of the wall. Someone's watching you. You quickly turned your head, but no one was there. You entered the room and started off through the piles of furniture and artifacts. "Expeliarmus!" Called someone as you turned deflecting it.

"Jesus Hermione!" You said and she sighed. "God I'm glad you blocked that!" She laughed hugging you. "(Y/N)!" You heard hardy as he came around the corner.

"We have to find it come on." You said running through the stuff. Hermione and Ron split up and to Harry went a different way. You both stopped hearing the sound. "It's here." You both said looking at a small box.

You opened it seeing he diadem. "Well well," called a voice as you both looked towards it. "Look who we have here." Said the voice again. "Draco!" You beamed running into his arms. "How did you find them?" You asked seeing Goyle and Blaise.

Goyle pointed his wand to you. "Woah!" You said backing up as everyone drew their Wands. Blaise and Goyles at you, Draco's at the two of them with you behind him, Harry's at the two Slytherins.

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