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Your POV:

"Come on Dudley hurry up." Uncle Vernon said as she finished packing the trunk. "I still don't understand why we have to leave." Dudley said getting in.

You and Harry walked into the house seeing aunt petunia standing in the living room. "13 years in the house, and now I'm expected to leave." She said coldly. "You have to go, they'll torture you if they think for a second you know where we're going." You said.

"I know what they're capable of, you didn't just loose a mother that night in godrics hollow, I lost a sister." She said walking out.

Draco's POV:

I sat at the table shaking between my parents silently. Snape walked in. "Ah, Severus, I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come, we saved you a seat." Voldemort said and my spine shivered.

"The twins will be moved this Saturday, at night fall." Snape spoke. My eyes shy to him at his words. They know. Please get out of there (y/n) please. "I've heard differently my lord-" "this is a false trail, the order has belief the ministry has been corrupted."

"Well, they got that right." One of the other death eaters said as everyone laughed. "And what say you Pylis?" Voldemort asked. "One hears many things my lord, wether the truth is among them in unclear." "Spoken like a true politician."

The dark lord grinned. "I believe you will prove most useful pylis." He smirked. "Where will they be taking the twins?" He asked. My eyes glued to whoever spoke clinging to every word. "To a safe place, most likely the home of someone in he order. I have been told they will under go every matter to keep them safe once arrived it will be improbably to infiltrate."

Shit I can't go get her. "My lord, is like to volunteer myself for the task, I want to kill the girl." My eyes shot to Bellatrix with hate. Good fucking luck she almost killed your insane as last time. "Wormtail!" Voldemort screamed. "What have I said about keeping Our guests quiet!?" He yelled as screams escaped the dungeon.

"Yes my lord, right away my lord." He scurried away. "As much as I respect your blood loss Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill both the boy, and the girl." He said and my heart dropped at the words.

"But, I face an unfortunate complication, see mine and the Potters wands, share the same core. They are, in some way, connected. If I am to kill the twins I must use another's wand." He said and everyone seemed to look away. "Come now, surely someone would like the honor to allow me their wand? How about you, Lucius?" He asked walking over to my father.

"My lord?" "My lord," Voldemort mocked him. "I acquire your wand." He said extending his hand. "Do I detect elm?" He asked. "Yes my lord." He snapped the snake head from the wand. "And core?" He asked

"Dragon heart string my lord." The dark lord walked back to his seat.

"For those of you who do not know we are joined today by Mrs charity burbage, who until recently taught at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." He said as the lady who was floating above the table started towards the middle of the table.

"She specializes in muggle studies, given her way she would have us mate with them." Everyone grimaced and laughed. "Severus, Severus please, were friends." She cried. "Avada Kadavra." Voldemort said as she fell lifeless on the table and I looked at her holding tears.

"Nagini, dinner." He said as nagini slithered onto the table.
I have to warn (y/n).

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