Secret Desires

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You snuck out of the common room and waited at the stair well Harry told you to. You didn't see him. "Harry?" You whispered when suddenly someone tapped your shoulder. You turned to see Harry lifting up a corner of the cloak smiling.

"Come on." He whispered back. You climbed under with him and started towards the library. He picked up a lamp on the way and held it out of the cloak to light the way. You reached the gate and poked out your wand.

"Aloha Hamora." You whispered as the door opened. You went to the back and slipped out of the cloak. He laid it down on the shelf and you started looking at the books. He was looking up higher and you picked a thick brown book, but when you opened it a face came from the pages screaming.

You jumped and closed it quickly sitting it down and standing away from it. Harry looked at you and you both giggled a little. "Who's there?" The giggling stopped at the sound of Filches voice. When Harry grabbed the cloak the lamp, that was apparently resting on the end of it, fell and shattered.

You both slid under the cloak and hid behind shelves as filch passed you. "I know your here, show yourself!" You both slipped from the restricted section and began walking down an empty hallway. "Where are we?" You asked. "Hard to tell, it's so dark." You turned a corner and gasped slightly at the sight of Quirrell being slammed against the wall by Snape.

"Severus I-I-" "you don't want to make me your enemy Quirrell," Snape suddenly turned his head in your direction and you both gaped and stepped back slowly. He reached out and snatched at the cloak but missed. Then he turned back to Quirrell suddenly. "Severus I swear-" "You need to find where your loyalty lies Quirrell,"

Snape jumped back away from Quirrell when Filch came around the corner. "Ah, Professors, I found this in the restricted section," he said holding up your smashed lamp. "Which means a students out of bed." The professors ran off and you and Harry ran through a door at the end of the hall.

You stepped out from the cloak looking around. You saw a mirror against one wall and walked over to it. "Harry, what's this?" He looked to you and walked over behind you. The two of you stood in the wide mirror, then suddenly two people appeared behind you. Your parents. You both turned shocked, no one there, then you turned back to the mirror. "Is that?" Harry asked.

"Mom?" The women nodded and smiled. "Dad?" You both said. The man nodded. You and Harry stood there shocked. Then turned to each other quickly. "Ron." You both beamed. You both slid under the cloak and ran through the halls and found your way to the Gryffindor common room and ran upstairs and woke up Ron.

"Ron! Ron wake up!" You both beamed. Christmas break hadn't ended yet so he was the only one there. He got up and jumped under the cloak with you. It was rather large. You three ran down to the room and showed him the mirror. "Look, our parents." You beamed sanding next to Ron and Harry in the mirror.

"I just see us?" Ron said. "Look in it properly, here." Harry said as you two stepped out of view. "Woah!" Ron beamed. "There you see them? That's-" Harry started. "That's me! I'm holding the quidditch cup, and the house cup! I'm quidditch captain! And bloody hell, I'm head boy too!"

You and Harry looked to each other confused. "Harry, do you think this shows the future?" "How can it," you said. "Both of our parents are dead." Harry finished. You and Harry would sit in the mirror many nights looking at your parents. You sat on the floor admiring them one night when you heard a voice from behind you.

"Back again (Y/N), Harry?" You turned to see Dumbledore. "Sir," you both said. "I see you've found the Mirror of Erised as many before you have, I trust by now you understand what I does?" You nodded. "Does it show us our desires?" You asked. "Close, very close. Only a man who is completely at ease with his life will see himself as he is exactly."

"We see our parents, because we never knew them." You said coming to realize the mirror. "So we miss that part of our life, and we aren't happy with  it." Harry added. "Professor, if you don't mind me asking, what do you see?" You asked. "I see myself in some very nice socks, one can never have too many socks dear." He winked and you knew he wasn't telling the truth.

"I believe our know that the mirror will have to be moved, I have to ask you two to promise me, that you will not go looking for it again?" You both nodded. Dumbledore walked out and Harry went to grab the cloak, you went to sit in the mirror for one more minute. Then gasped in shock. When you stood in the mirror alone, you saw something different.

You stood hand in hand with a platinum blonde haired boy, then you turned to face him and hugged him tightly, and you realized who it was. Draco Malfoy.

"(Y/N), what is it?" Harry asked. You turned to him. "Nothing, just didn't want to leave." You said pushing the thought away and leaving with Harry. You walked into the Slytherin common room and saw a fire place was still lit. And once again there sat Draco.

You blushed thinking of the thought from the mirror and tried to sneak into your bedroom, then heard him stand up. "I told you to stay out of trouble, Slytherin house can't lose any more points." He snarled from behind you.

You didn't turn, not trusting your own words and just froze. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again, good night." You said and quickly ran to your room and plopped down on your bed. Like I could ever end up with him. There's no way he even likes me. That mirror doesn't work-

You fell asleep with your mind clouded with confusion.

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