Astronomy Tower

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Draco's POV:

I lay wide awake staring ceiling. (Y/N) had gone with Dumbledore and Harry, something about a horcrux 

I got up silently changing from my night clothes into my usual black suite. Tonight was it, I had to kill Dumbledore, and she had no idea.

Tonight I'd use the vanishing cabinet, that even she helped mend once, to allow death eaters into the castle. I didn't know what to do.

I had to protect her the best I could, but how can I protect he girl who lived from Voldemort. I knew at some point the time would come where her and her brothers life would pend as the faced him, but all I could do was try to do what he asked as to be there when it happened.

If I didn't kill Dumbledore, he would kill me. I started off down the hall towards he room of requirement. The cabinet opened with black smoke and I quickly retreated to find Dumbledore.

I started up the steps of the astronomy tower.

Your POV:

You Harry and Dumbledore appeared back at the top of the astronomy tower. He was weak. "We have to get you to Madam Pomfrey-" you started.

"No, Severus, wake him, tell him what happened, speak to no one else, Severus." He said. Suddenly you heard a noise. "Hide yourselves below, whatever happens do not come out." He said standing. "Harry, (Y/N), do as I say." He commanded as you did.

Then you saw someone walk up the stairs. "Is that-" Harry started and you quickly put your hand over his mouth. You both looked up watching. Draco. Draco with his wand raised at Dumbledore.

"Good evening Draco, what brings you here at this hour?" Dumbledore said. "Who else is here, I heard you talking." Draco hissed through tears as one slipped down your cheek.

"I find it rather beneficial to talk to myself, have you been whispering to yourself Draco?"  They stood there silent. "Draco, you are no assasin."

You begged silently in your head for this not to be real. "How do you know what I am!? Done things that would shock you!" He hissed. "Like cursing Katy belle in hopes she's bare me a cursed necklace, like replacing a bottle of need with one laced with poison?"

Harry's eyes shot to you but you cried silently not being able to look away from Draco. "Trust me! I was chosen!" He yelled lifting his sleeve revealing his dark mark.

Harry looked at you infuriated and you tried your best to keep your cried silent but couldn't as you let a slight sniffle out. Draco's eyes shot to the side. "What was that!?" He asked. Dumbledore looked to you through the boards.

"I shall make it easy for you-" he said drawing his wand. "Expeliarmus!" Draco spat as Dumbledores wand went flying.

Harry raised his wand at Draco and your quickly drew yours on instinct pointing it at Harry. His eyes widened in disbelief and you look at him crying. He put his wand away and you did too. "Your my alone," Dumbledore said as you heard footsteps. "How?"

"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement." He spat. You covered your mouth crying into them. You helped Draco mend that cabinet, and he had to use it to do this. Your hart was broken and angry all at once, but not a hit at Draco himself.

"I've been mending it." He said coldly. "I had a sister." Dumbledore said. "Borgin and Burks, they form a passage." You wiped your tears trying to get ahold of yourself. He wouldn't. You knew he wouldn't.

"Draco, I once knew a boy who made all the wrong choices, let me help you." "I don't want your help! Don't you understand!? I have to do this, I have to kill you. Or he's going to kill me." He cried and your heart broke.

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