Dumbledores Army

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Weeks have past since you returned from Christmas break. You and the inquisitorial squad had been busting your asses trying to figure out what Harry and the others had been up to.

Umbridge interigated Cho Chang with some truth syrum, figuring out what was going on. You walked with Umbridge to the wall where the room of requirement.

"Bombarda." Umbridge casted. "Bombarda." She said again. A small crack appearing in the wall. You could see Harry through it. "I'll make short matter of this, bombarda maxima." She said calmly.

The wall burst down. Draco holding Cho by the robes behind you. There was Harry, Ron, Hermione, the Twins, Dean, Ginny, Shamus, Luna, and many others. "Bloody hell." You said u see your breath


You stood in Dumbledores office next to Harry. "See! Proof of what I've been telling you all along!" Umbridge said to fudge. "No you don't understand I came up with this!" Harry said.

"How noble of you Harry, but clearly, the paper says Dumbledores Army, not Potters." "Mr. Kingsley for the time being, you will escort Dumbledore, to Azkaban." Dumbledore winked at you and Harry.

"You see, I thought we would hit this snag." Dumbledore said stepping behind his desk. "I see you thought I would, what's the term, come quietly? Yes well you see, I have no intention of going to Azkaban." He said calmly.

"Enough of this, take him!" Umbridge said. Suddenly Fawks flew over Dumbledore as Dumbledore lifted his arms touching Fawks they both disappeared in a large flame.

"You may not like it minister, but you can't deny it, Dumbledores got style." Kingsley said.


You walked with Draco past the great hall as the doors opened, all the members of Dumbledores army leaving holding their hands. They all looked to you two angrily. But it wasn't your fault!

"I don't like this, I don't like this a all." You said. "Don't worry love, everything is going to be fine." He said leading you back to the common rooms.

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