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The minister is dead. Severus, please. I'm not one for broken promises. I love you dear. You dare use my own spells against me. Avada Kedavra!

You jerked your head. "Are you alright?" Hermione asked. "Fine." You said. I want Draco. I want to be safe in his arms again. You jerked around hearing the radio again.

"Don't, it soothes him." She said. "It sets my teeth on edge." You growled. "How long till he's able to travel?"

"I don't know I'm doing everyone I can," "well you're not doing enough!" You huffed standing. You began to walk off as Harry emerged from the tent.

"Take it off!" He called after you and you stopped. "You've been wearing it too long," Hermione said. "Now (Y/N)." Harry said.  You all had tried to destroy it but were unsuccessful.

You took it off tossing it to them walking towards the enchantments.
"(Y/N)!" Hermione hissed and you stopped at the enchantments seeing snatchers.

"What's that smell?" One said. You recognized him from somewhere. You froze. "I've smelt it before." He said.

"Come on!" The other called as they ran off.

"He smelled your perfume." Hermione said. "Why had he smelt it before?" Harry asked.

"I've seen him somewhere before, I can't remember." You said.

"Get inside." Harry said going into the tent. You huffed. "Born on the same day yet he acts like my father." You said going into the tent.

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