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You three sat surrounded by candy and wrappers. You and Harry were determined to learn as much as you could. "Berty Botts every flavored beans?" Harry asked looking at the pack. Ron had a rat sitting on his lap with its head in a candy box. "They mean every flavor," Ron said biting into a piece of candy, "there's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also Spinach, liver and tripe." You and Harry grimaced.

"George swears to have got a boggey flavored one once." Harry took a bean from his mouth. You picked up a box that said 'Chocolate Frogs.' "These aren't real frogs are they?" You asked curiously. "It's just a spell, besides it's the cards you want, each pack has a famous witch or wizard, I've got about 500 myself." He said.

You opened the box to see a small brown frog and it croaked then jumped from the box onto the window. "Watch it!" Ron said. The frog crawled up the window and jumped out of a small opening. "Ah that's rotten luck, they've only got one good jump to start with."

You flipped over the card. "I've got Dumbledore!" "I've got about six of him." You handed Harry the card to look at. "He's gone?" Harry asked curiously. "Well you can't expect him to run around all day, can you?" You two shared a curious look.

"This is Scabbers by the way, pathetic isn't he?" "Just a little," you and Harry said simultaneously again. "George gave me a spell to turn him yellow, want to see?" You two nodded enthusiastically. He cleared his throat, "sunshine da-" he froze when a girl with poofy brown hair came to the door then huffed.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Nevilles lost one." "No?" Ron snapped. Then the girl noticed his wand. "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it then." She said sticking her nose up in the air. Ron cleared his throat again. "Sunshine, Daisy's, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow." He said pointing at the rat, the box flew off its head but thats all the happened.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well it's not very good is it?" Her words drowned as the three of you shared an annoyed look. "I've tried a few simpler spells myself, but they've all worked for me." She said as she walked in sitting next to you and across from Harry where Ron once sat. "For example," she said and raised a wand to Harry's glasses.

"Occulous repairo." The strip of tape that held his glasses together spun and yanked off as a nice golden band replaced it. It fit perfectly on Harry now. He took them off sharing a shocked look with you and Ron looked at the repainted glasses. "Holly cricket, your Harry and (Y/N) Potter!" Harry's bangs had parted some to reveal his scar, and you had pulled your hair up because you were hot.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She spat looking at Ron. "Uh, Ron Weasley." He said with his mouth full of candy. "Pleasure." She said bitterly. "You three better be changing into your robes, I expect we should be arriving soon." As she walked out she stopped at the door way and turned back to Ron.

"You've got dirt on your nose, did you know? Just there." She said pointing at her own nose as Ron moved his finger to the spot quickly. The train pulled in as the sky turned dark. You got off the train with Harry and Ron then turned to a booming familiar voice. "Alright then, firsts years this way please! Come on now first years don't be shy!" You and Harry walked to the tall man.

"Hi Hagrid." You both beamed. "Well hello there (Y/N), Harry." He beamed back. Ron looked up to the tall man. "Woah." "Okay first years this way, follow me then." He led you to some boats in the water and called out three to a boat. You sat with Ron and Harry. The boats took you across the lake, when half way to shore a tall castle with many towers and glowing windows was visible on top of a small cliff over the water. "Bloody hell," you beamed.

You arrived on the other side and climbed off the boats and walked through two big heavy doors and up a stairs case. At the top stood a lady in dark green and black robes with small half-moon glasses and a tall witches hat.

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