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Short Chapter

"Hermione, you're okay, we're safe." Harry said. You were on a beach. "(Y/N) Potter," squeaked a familiar little voice.

You sat up quickly turning, Dobby. "Dobby." You and Harry said running over as Dobby fell into your arms. Bellatrixs dagger stuck into his stomach. "Hang in there, Hermione have something in her bag, hermione?" You two cried.

"Help me." You begged. "Such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friends, Harry and (Y/N) potter." He said. And he was gone.

"Do you want me to close his eyes?" Luna asked and you both nodded. "There, now he can be sleeping."

"We want to bury him, properly, without magic." You and Harry said together.


Harry carried him to the grave you had dug, laying him in neatly as you began to cover him again.

Here lies Dobby, a free elf.

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