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Two years after the war.

"What if I trip?" You asked. "Then I'll laugh." Hermione giggled. "Seriously Hermione." You laughed. "Come on, don't worry." She said putting your veil on.

"What if he doesn't like the dress?" You asked looking in the mirror for the millionth time. "Are you kidding me, you look stunning." Ginny smiled. "Thank to Ginny." You smiled.

"It's time!" Hermione smiled standing you up. "Wait I'm not ready-" "yes you are," Luna smiled. "Come on now." She smiled. How could yo day no to Luna.

You met Harry at the top of the aisle as you began to walk down it. There were no guests, just your bridesmaids who insisted on watching, Harry, you and Draco. That's all you wanted.

You walked down the aisle and Draco wiped a tear. "I must say this looked much easier when you and Ginny did it." You said to Harry. "We had 20" guests, how is that easier?" "I didn't know half of them." You smiled and he did too.

"Mum and dad would be proud of you." He said before passing you off to Draco. You stepped in front of him. And smiled.

"Do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take (Y/N) (Y/N) Potter, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Slughorn asked. "I do." He smiled. "And do you (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Potter, take Draco Lucius Malfoy, do be your lawfully wedded husband, as long as you both shall live?" He asked. "Always." You smiled.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, to may kiss the bride." He said and Draco connected his lips to yours picking you up again and everyone clapped.

"Now get out of here!" Slughorns said and you both laughed as Everyone clapped.

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