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You were sitting with Draco's arm wrapped around you laughing with the three of them when suddenly the train came to a screeching halt. Draco's arm slid off your shoulders and you all looked around nervously. Draco stood up standing at the door, then the doors slid shut from a jar to the train.

"What the-" Goyle said with a shaky voice as the glass on the window froze over. "Holy shit." You said scared as Draco quickly walked over putting himself  between you and door then holding you closely to his chest. The lights flickered then went off. "Draco-" you said scared pointing to the dark figure appearing at the door.

Rips from its cloak flowing in the cold wind that rushed past it, its long bonds fingers then reached out and opened the door without even touching it. The creature stuck its head into the cart and you all froze. It looked at you then suddenly you felt as if your soul was being sucked out of you. You heard a scream then acting on instinct turned hiding your face from the think as Draco castes random spells making it leave.

You sat back up breathing heavy. "What the bloody hell was that!?" You gasped as your heart pounded. "Dementor-" "guardians of azkaban." Goyle and Crabbe stuttered. Draco pulled you in tightly pushing your hair out of your face. "Are you okay? It was doing something, weird to you, are you hurt? Do I need to go find someone?"

Draco said quickly and worried. "I'm fine it's just, that, that thing it like, I don't know.... I'm fine Draco, I promise." He smiled and pulled you into his arms again.

You arrived at Hogwarts and made you way to the Great Hall. "Third year. Can't believe time here has gone by to fast." You said as you sat down at the Slytherin table for the first time in what felt like forever. Dumbledore made his small speech before dinner and introduced the new DADA teacher Remus Lupin

"Now, till such time Sirius Black is captured, Hogwarts will play host to the Dementors of Azkaban." Everyone seemed to get unsteady including you. "But," Dumbledore said raising two fingers in the air. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times," he said waving his hand over a flickering candle as it went out. "If only one remembers, to turn on the light." He finished.

And with another wave of his hand the candle relit three times lighter.

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