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You sat between Harry, Ron and Hermione and Draco and the others waiting for the selection. Everyone gathered in the great hall around the goblet waiting for the champions to be chosen. "Sit down, please. Now the moment you've all been waiting for,the champion selection!" Dumbledore spoke. He moved his hand around the hall putting out the candles as it passed them then raising his hand to the goblet.

The flame turned red and burst out a small slip of paper. Dumbledore I caught it unfolding it quickly. "The first champion for Dumstrang, Victor Krum!" Everyone cheered. You heard Draco puff angrily and you couldn't help but smile at him. When he caught you he blushed taking your hand in his as you put your head on his shoulder.

The flame turned red again and another paper flew out. "The champion for Bobatins, is Fleur Delacor." The table of girls screamed and cheered as Fleur got up to join Victor. "She's a goner." You smirked causing your fellow Slytherin to snicker with you.

"The Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory!" Everyone clapped and cheered for Cedric."Excellent! Now we have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history, only one will be able to hoist into the air this vessel of victory, the triwizard cup!" Dumbledore said joyously.

Everyone turned to see a beautiful glowing blue trophy and clapped. "Well, come on guys lets go." Draco suggested. As you and the others were about to leave the flame turned red once again, causing everyone to stare confused.

Dumbledore walked over to the goblet shocked, as two more slips of paper flew out into his hands. Everyone sad eyes wide open in shock. "Harry, and (Y/N) Potter." Dumbledore mumbled. "Harry and (Y/N) Potter." He said louder. "No." You mumbled. Draco grabbing your hand tight as you looked to Harry shocked.

"Harry's and (Y/N) Potter!" Dumbledore yelled. Draco was forced to let go of you as you walked slowly with Harry towards Dumbledore. "It can't be,"You said looking at the paper. "You did this." You said looking at Harry. "Did you do this?" You asked defensively. "He's a cheat!" People began chanting.

"I didn't enter professor this is a mistake-" you started to walk off but snape took your arm leading you to the room with the other champions as Moody did to Harry. As you and Harry walked in to were Cedric and the other were you became furious. "You did this!" You yelled pushing Harry. "I didn't do anything!" "Then who did?! Ron!?" You snapped.

Then the professors started coming in mumbling. "Harry, (Y/N) did you put your name in he goblet of fire!?" Dumbledore said calmly pushing Harry against a table with his hands on his shoulders (I had to). "No sir!" You both said. "Did you have an older student do it for you?!" "No sir!" "You're absolutely sure!?" "Yes sir."

"But of course they are lying!" The huge lady added. "Like hell they are! The goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only exceptionally powerful confudis charm could over power, Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year!"

"The rules are absolute, the goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract, the Potters have no choice, they are, as of tonight, tri-wizard champions."

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