The Burrow

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You got to the house walking in to see Ginny run up and hug Harry as the twins hurried down snatching you away to their room.

"Fred! George!" You said happily hugging them tight. "How ya doin (Y/N)?" "We say Malfoy in the paper!" "He must be awfully upset." They said exchanging sentences. "I'm sure." You said sitting down. "Mum almost didn't let us come back this year." Fred said.

"Why?" "She went mental, saying it was too dangerous with You-Know-Who and all." George said. "That ridiculous Dumbledore there!" "He has gotten a bit old." Fred laughed. "He's not that old he's only, how old is he?" You questioned.

"150, give or take a few." George joked as you all laughed. "How's the shop going by the way?" You questioned. "Great!" Fred said happily. "We have to be there early tomorrow morning as usual." "Would you like to come?" They questioned. "Yes!" You beamed.

"I'm gonna go talk with the others for bit before bed, be right back." You smiled walking down to Ron's room seeing the three circled around. "Hey guys." You smiled as they smiled back and you joined the circle.

A piece of newspaper burning mid air in front of you. Your heart dropped seeing Draco's face. The other mist have noticed. "We didn't mean to seem rude, it was just a piece of paper." Hermione  said quickly. "Oh no I know I know, I'm just, worried." You said nervously.

"I'm sure he's okay." Ron tried to assure. "I hope he is." You said looking at his sad face as it circled by you again. "Sis, I know you don't usually want to talk about you and Malfoy, but we are here for you." Harry said. "I know you are and I appreciate that, it's just, i don't even know."

You said feeling almost empty. "You've been together for almost six years, he's not going anywhere." Hermione laughed and you smiled with them. "I'm not worried of him leaving." You laughed. "I'm worried about his, family."

You said. "What do you mean?" Ron questioned. "His family are a bunch of death eaters, we all know where that leaves me." You said as it grew quiet. "His Dad saw me wearing his ring, there's no way that went down quietly." You said twisting the ring on your finger. "I'm sure." Ron said.

"But I'm also sure he's going to be fine." He said assuring you. "Thanks." You smiled. "Now come on we're going to Diagon alley tomorrow lets get in bed." Hermione said. "(Y/N) and I in Ginny's room as always." She said walking out with you.

You hugged Harry goodnight then kissed Ron's cheek goodnight causing him to blush like crazy before running off with 'Mione.

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