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The next morning you sat with Draco Crabbe and Goyle at breakfast because your friends were packing. Harry came into the hall and you looked at him hurt then he strutted over to you. "Sod off Malfoy." You acted and he muffled a giggle as you walked right past Harry to the Weasley twins.

"Hey guys." You smiled and they greeted you, then Harry sat down eject to you. "I'm sorry for what I said (Y/N), I don't know what got into me, but your my sister, and I shouldn't have let you down like that." "Your right, you shouldn't have." You hissed. "I deserved that, but you can't avoid me forever, we share a room ya know?"

You giggled and turned to him. "I forgive you Harry." You hugged your brother smiling that you got your best friend back again. "Come in the trains gonna leave soon." He said taking your hand dragging you from the hall you turned to Malfoy as he watched you leave. 'He smiled and up smiled back.

You got on the train and sat with the trio. The train was about to leave when Draco, Crabbe and Goyle passed your cart. "Ugh that Malfoy, if I had a free pass to curse someone, It'd be him." Ron said and Harry and Hermione laughed. You did too, you couldn't help it, the way he said it was just hilarious.

"So, what are you two gonna do if you can't fit in your cupboard anymore?" Sale Hermione and you laughed. "If they'd give us Dudleys second bedroom that'd be great honestly." You said and Harry laughed with you. "I'm gonna go find the trolly." You said standing and exiting the cart. You walked down the isles looking for where Draco sat.

You saw him, but sitting next to Pansy. God I bloody hate her. Her ugly short hair and bans and that terrible pig nose. Why does she even hang out with him? She's obsessed over him but he clearly hates her. Draco made eye contact with you and smiled but you glared and kept walking.

You found the trolly and got some sugar quills and started to head back to the trio. As you passed Draco's cart you over head a part of their conversation. "She's a Half Bloody Draco, its dreadful! How could you befriend a half blood!?" Pansy hissed. "Oh shut up pug face!" He hissed as she stormed out passing you.

You walked back to the trio trying not to burst into laugher. You got to the station and walked off with Harry. "So I guess you'll be catching a bus, but do you have any muggle money?" Ron asked and you both shook your heads no. "Well then, I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind dropping you off." He smiled.

You were walking off with Ron to find his Mum when you heard someone yell for you. "Hey Potter!" To and Harry both turned to Malfoy standing with Crabbe and Goyle. He strut up to you and to crossed your arms smiling a bit. "Malfoy, to what do I owe this displeasure." Harry said crossing his arms.

"Just passing by, thought we'd bid you half bloods a nice farewell." He smirked. You didn't like it when he called you a half blood, but you knew it was just a show. "My father should be here somewhere, enjoy our summer, Potter." He spat at Harry. Harry walked to Ron but you stayed as Draco watched Harry walk off.

Then he turned to you and smirked. "Have a good summer (Y/N)," to smirked back. "You too Draco." He smile and you smiled back at him. "I don't suppose you'd be able to write over summer would you?" He asked. You shook your head no. "Doubt it, the bloody muggles probably won't let me take my owl out at all." You sighed.

"Well maybe the three of us will have to come rescue you some time." Draco smile. "That'd be nice, go on now your father will be waiting." You smiled and nudged him playfully as he smiled back at you. "Shut up, Potter." He said playfully. "Piss off, smellfoy." The three laughed and walked off as you walked to Harry.

"He didn't give you any grief did he?" Harry asked. "No, just picking on me as usual, nothing I couldn't handle obviously." The three laughed. You told your Slytherin friend by and got in the car with Ron and his family.

They dropped yo off at your house and you and Harry walked in as Uncle Vernon opened the door. "Well, your back already." He huffed then walked off. You opened the cupboard and it was empty. "Um, uncle Vernon, where's our bed?" You asked. "Well, we decide that the two of you have gotten a bit big for the cupboard, dudleys second room is your now. Take your thing suo then wash up for dinner."

You and Harry shared and excited look and walked upstairs. There was nothing but one wardrobe and a set of bunk beds. "I call top bunk." You both said at the same time. "Dibs!" You both yelled rushing to it. You got there first so you won it. You climbed up and laid down in your new room.

"Ah, this is much better then having to sleep with you." You said and he giggled. "Yeah, you kick in your sleep sometimes." He joked back.

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