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"Remus, Sirius, my old friends." Peter said before trying to run but Lupin and Sirius stopped him. "Harry and (Y/N), you look so much like your parents, how strong you've become-" the man said to you and Harry.

"How dare you mention James and Lily in front of them!" "You sold Lily and James put to Voldemort!" Remus said. "I didn't mean to! Sirius think, what would you have done?" "I would've died! I'd rather die then betray my friends!" They said chasing him around. "If Voldemort wouldn't kill you then we will, together!" Remus and Sirius said.

"No," You said. "(Y/N), this man-" "We know who he is," Harry said. "But we'll take him to the castle," you finished. "Bless you girl, bless you." Petigrue said bowing at your feet. "Get off of me! I said we'd take you to the castle," "after that the dementors can have you." Harry finished.


As you were walking through the tunnel you helped Sirius carry Ron. "Sorry about the bite, I imagine it stings a bit." "A bit! A bit!? You almost tore my leg off." Ron whimpered. "I was aiming for the rat, and same to you (Y/N), my apologies for the bite."

You saw Sirius standing looking at the castle outside and walked over to him with Harry. "Beautiful isn't it, I can only imagine what it will be like to walk back in a free man. It was a noble thing you did back there, he doesn't deserve it." "Well we just didn't think our parents would want their two best friends to become murderers." Harry said. "I don't know if you two know this, before your parents death they made me your godfather-"

"We know." You said. "If you ever get tired of staying at your aunt and uncles, is understand if you wouldn't but if you'd ever want a new place to stay," "come live with you?" You asked. "Well it's just a thought-" "(Y/N), Harry!" You turned to Hermione. She was pointing at the moon. It was a full moon. Sirius ran over to Lupin. "Remus! Remus!" He yelled trying to calm him.

Peter picked up the wand Remus dropped. "Expeliarmus!" Harry called. Peter turned to you two. He waved goodbye and turned into a rat again running off down the hill, Harry tied to chase him. "Harry!" You called grabbing him. Lupin threw Sirius when he turned. Then stood there whimpering. "Wait," Hermione said. "Professor, Professor Lupin."

You all jumped when he let out a long howl then started towards you. The. Snape came running out from under the tree and over to you grabbing your arm. "There you are Potter-" he turned at the sound of a howl and you instantly jumped in front of Snape taking he blow to the chess from Lupin. "(Y/N)!" Harry yelled. There were three big slashes across your chest, but not too deep to be fatal. Your shirt started turning red where it was slashed when Sirius in the form of a dog attacked Lupin.

"Sirius," you said. "Potter you need medical assistance," rushed Snape trying to help you up. But when Sirius ran off followed my Lupin you couldn't help yourself. "Sirius!" You and Harry yelled running after them. "Come back here Potter!" Snape yelled after you. Harry threw a rock at Lupin distracting him why you ran over to Sirius.

"Come on," you said and you helped Sirius up. You both stumbled down the hill getting a bit light headed and ended up near a pond. You fell over next to Sirius, "(Y/N), Sirius!" Harry yelled running over to you. Then everything went cold and he lake froze over. "Sirius looked up in horror seeing hundreds of dementors circling over head. One swooped down and attacked Sirius and Harry stood quickly.

"Expecto Patronum!" He yelled. You getting a grip on yourself stood next to him. Lupin had also thought you the Patronus charm. "Expecto Patronum!" You yelled helping Harry as he patronus fell. Then yours did followed by a dementor swooping down and attacking you. You yelled and so did Harry as the tree of you lay there, dying. Suddenly a huge flash of blue light blinded you from the other side of the pond.
There stood a Stag shape of light, having all the dementors fly away and you caught a glimpse of the person behind the magic, it looked like your dad, before you passed out.

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