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Sorry for the inactivity guys I'm back!

You sat writing Draco waiting for creature. You sent Fawks off with the letter watching him fly away.

Suddenly you all turned hearing a noise. You all rushed to the kitchen seeing creature with Mondungous, and Donny? "Harry and (Y/N) Potter! How long it's been." Dobby beamed. "Dobby?"

"Dobby say creature in diagon alley which Dobby thought was curious. Then Dobby heard creature mention Harry and (Y/N)s names, and then Dobby saw creature with the theif-"

"Theif!" Mondungous yelled. "Your a thief fletcher everyone knows it!" Ron spat. "Where's the locket?" You questioned. "Why? Is it valuable?" He asked.

"You still have it?" "He's worried he didn't get enough money for it." Ron said. "Bloody gave it away I did. There I was, minding my business in diagon alley, when some ministry lady come up to me. Said she wanted to lock me up, would have too hadn't she spotted that locket."

"Who was she?" Hermione asked. "I don't know uh-" he froze looking down at a stack of papers he had knocked over. "Well shes there." He said laying a paper on the table.

"Bow and all." He said. "You've got to be joking." Harry said. Umbridge.


You helped Harry drag in Mathilda to the small place by the walk. You had caught four ministry aids to disguise yourself. A red head and his wife, Runcord and Umbridges assistant. "Right, Hermione, Ron you take the husband and wife. I'll take Runcord and (Y/N) you get-" "the only one left of course." You laughed.

"This is mental." Hermione stated. "The worlds mental." Ron said drinking the vial down.


You all met up inside the ministry. You all walked getting into a lift when suddenly two men grabbed Hermione. "What did I do!?" He yelled. "Guys!" She said as they dragged her off. "What are they doing?" You asked.

"Must be a mud blood too the woman, probably taking her to the court rooms." Harry said worried. Suddenly a blonde man stopped the three of you to talk to 'Ron'.

"It's still raining in my office, yesterday is now." Ron gulped nervously. "Have you tried an umbrella?" He croaked out. You being the slytherin you were restrained from laughing. "You do realize I am heading downstairs."

"Downstairs?" Ron squeaked. "To interrogate our wife, if my wife were in questioning and the head of Magical Reinforcement needed a job doing, I believe I'd get it done. You have one hour." He snapped before leaving as the lift took of.

"What are we going to do? Hermione is being interrogated!?" You said as the kid stopped. "This is you Ron." Harry said. "How do I stop it from raining?" He questioned.

"Try Finite Incantartum." "Finite Incantartum. And if that doesn't work?" He asked you but was cut off as the lift took off again.

"I say that if we don't find Umbridge within the hour we find Ron and Hermione and come back another day." "Agreed." Harry said as the lift stop. And there stood the pink devil herself.

"Ah, did Albert send you? We'll head right down." She said to you getting into the lift. "Runcord, aren't you getting off?" She asked Harry. He walked awkwardly out turning to you as the elevator took off.

You rode behind Umbridge as she babbled on about nonsense. Clutching your wand under your sleeve. You arrive at the court rooms taking a seat behind Umbridge.

Hermione was dragged in and sat in the seat. "Mary Elizabeth Cattermole." Umbridge said. Hermione looked to you confused. You nodded yes slowly. "Yes," hermione said. "Wife to Reginald?" You and hermione turned seeing Ron and Harry by the door.

"Reg," hermione almost snapped and Harry shoved Ron to her. "Thank you Runcord." Harry nodded walking around towards you facing Umbridge. "Mary Elizabeth Cattermole?"

"Yes," hermione said again. "A wand was taken from you upon arrival is this that wand?" She asked holding up a wand. "Yes?" Hermione said confused. "Exactly what witch or wizard did you take this wand from?"

Hermione looked to you confused. You could barely see the papers on the desk in front of Umbridge. 'Mud blood' it said with a giant red ex across the picture of the lady. They're framing mud bloods. You realized quickly turning to Hermione nodding no.

"I didn't steal it, I got it in dragon alley, from olivanders when I was 11." She said looking to you and you nodded. "You're lying." Umbridge said. "No I'm not, I'm a witch you know what I am tell them what I am Reg!" Hermione said nervously trying to have some back up from Ron. Useful sometimes but not very light on his feet when lying.

You drew your wand. "What on earth are you doing Runcord?" Umbridge asked as Harry drew his wand to. "You're lying Delores," you said as she turned to you. "And one mustn't tell lies." Harry finished. "Stupefy!" Harry called as Umbridge went out cold.
You grabbed the locker as her patrones fell and the dementors started out.

You all ran to you elevator. "Expecto Patronum!" You cast sending them away. "I hate this bloody place." Ron murmured at he lift took off.

" if I ever have to step foot in this place again it'll be too soon." He complained again.

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