Second Message

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"Ginny?! Are they sure it was Ginny?!" You whisper yelled to Fred and George from the other side of a bookshelf. They didn't blame you for anything that happened between you and Harry, you'd secretly meet in the library and talk through the book shelf when no one was looking.

"Positive, and your stupid brothers going after her right now." You didn't hesitate after their words and ran right to the lavatory they sent you to. You saw the sinks parted and a long black hole in the middle of them. "Harry!?" You yelled but no answer. "Oh bloody hell." You whispered to yourself before jumping into the hole before landing on a large pile of bones.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" You hissed quickly walking away. "Harry!?" You yelled through the tunnel again. "(Y/N)!? Is that you!?" Yelled a voice back, it was Ron. "Ron!" You yelled running towards the voice. You got to him and saw a large wall of stones and Lockhart knocked out beside him. "He told me not to go after him!" He defended as you blew a hole in the stone wall.

"Well he didn't tell me shit! And that's my brother so I'm going!" You said running down the tunnel and climbing down a small ladder. You got to the bottom of a green grey colored stone path with snake head statues all around. And at the end was Ginny laying passed out. And a boy with dark black hair standing there.

"Ginny!" You screamed running over and ripping to your knees. "Please you have to help me get her out of here!" You said to the boy in a hurry who just laughed devilishly. "(Y/N)! It's a trick he's Voldemort!" Yelled Harry as he ran out of a tunnel. You hoped up and quickly drew your wand as did the boy.

"Don't do anything of regret sweet heart." Said the boy in a cocky tone. "Don't call me sweet heart." You said coldly back. A large snake thing emerged from the water and Harry drew the sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat. Tom began to cast a spell at Harry and you disarmed him. Harry stabbed the basilisk in the mouth but it didn't die. It just made it mad.

"Avada Kedavra!" You cast a spell at the beasts as it fell dead. You stood in shock. Bloody Hell. I just used an unforgivable curse. Harry looked at you in shock as he walked over with a Fang in his arm then pulled it out. "Hardy your arm." You said bending down to try and help him. "Funny how the poison of a basilisk penetrates the body so quickly, the process is nearly complete, and lord Voldemort will return , very much, alive."

Suddenly Harry stabbed the diary with the basilisk Fang and Tom cried out in pain. "Brilliant Harry!" You beamed as he began to get weak so you took the fan and stabbed i a few other times as ink spilt all over the floor. Tom burst into a bright flash and was gone once again, then Ginny woke up.

"Harry, (y/N) I didn't mean to! I'd don't know, he made me!" "It's okay Ginny," you said holding her. "Harry your arm!" Ginny squealed. "It's okay, it's just a scratch." He said trying to be humorous. Then a beautiful Phoenix flew in and landed next to Harry. It cried over his wound as it healed itself. "Of course! Phoenix tears have magic healing powers!" You beamed and he smiled.

"Come on, let's get out of here."


You latched your trunk shut and Goyle picked it up for you. You turned to the three boys who smiled at you admiringly. "Oh guys don't be like that, it's just summer break." You said with a giggle at their faces. "But we're going to miss you." Crabbe whined. "I'll miss you too." You admitted hugging all of them.

"Will you be sitting with us on the train?" Draco asked grabbing your hand. "I think I'm going to sit with Harry." You said as you all walked to the train Goyle helped load everyone's luggage then you kissed Draco sweetly. "I'll see you after summer Draco." A tear slipped your eye. He quickly wiped it off then kissed your nose.

"See you after summer love." You parted ways on the train and you giggled with the trio on your way home. You got to the platform and the twins helped you load your things onto a trolly. You caught a glimpse of Draco down the paltform looking around. "You going to tell him goodbye?" Asked the twins in unison catching you staring. You didn't take your eyes off of him.

Suddenly his beautiful grey eyes met your and you smiled, he smiled back then blew you a kiss. You blushed then turned away. "Just did." You giggled with them as you exited the platform.

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